Saturday, February 28, 2009

Truthful Lies

You’re not honest, lying is your cup of tea
The difference between what’s a lie and what’s true
Is easy for an American to see
The lie comes with nothing, the same as you

It is not hard to know about strife
I know that a child - has a right to life
But for you, a liberal, you simply can’t think
Giving the child a chance - shouldn’t make you blink

You lie about history thinking it’s so
The car really came from the USA
Doesn’t matter what history will show
It’s an American invention or so you say

You make a statement that’s truly a lie
And back it up with a blank - nothing more
I prove you wrong I didn’t have to try
As you shout names at the truth you abhor

I offered you chance to make it right
You still think your statement is not a lie
Seems you know more than historians write
As your lips explore the One’s inner thigh

Mac And Cheese

The truth has come to visit,
For liberals, a rude, unwelcome guest,
Consuming all their plans and dreams
To spread fear, hatred and all the rest.

They make it so unattractive.
Promising at first to reveal
The secrets of the socialist life,
If the truth they can conceal.

You thought you’d entertain them
And vote for the Chosen One.
You thought he was the answer
To all the hate you had begun.

He fills your heart with fear,
About the future of the land.
He wraps your arms with chains,
But you still don’t understand.

In the mornings now you suffer
Through the evil you’ve ignored,
As you eat your Mac and Cheese.
That’s all you can afford.

The Messiah’s Dream

Socialist winds chill the Messiah’s dream.
We shiver, and try to listen to his theme
The words are there but empty it would seem

Dancing pale with freedom in full flight
Above the ground of America’s once great might
They all yell out in unison how they were really right

The liberal sneers at history’s past
No need to worry now as relief is coming fast
We’ll be the Big Brother to make it really last

"This was meant to be." And they think they're right. 
The clock is approaching midnight, 
chimes ring, they smile in shared delight.

The gnashing of the teeth has plainly just begun.
Here comes a new dawn with the setting of this sun. 
It’s time for all Americans to go out and buy a gun.

No Retrieval

Could you spread your lie-filled words
Then retrieve them after they’ve been heard?

Tell me once more how Obama invented the car
Is that the same as Gore the great internet czar?

To call upon your liberal internal random light
Does that make it true and historically right?

A stone hung round your feeble neck
Turns cold and silent but what the heck!

You suck the scum from Obama’s thing
Then kneel down face first as he were king.

He spends your money to pay his thugs
While you smile and take your mental drugs.

Can you tip dance once more for the lies you tell
Slipping and sliding your way down the road to hell.

Your arrogance proceeds the lies you report
Proving the solution is to execute and deport.

Sweltering Lies

Ugly sweltering lies
Embrace your soul
Feeding the hate like flies

Your lost mind wanders
Along the path to the hole
Darkly as the heart blunders

Covered with its residue
The hate has no control
Clinging to the liberal view

You spread lies like honey
On the top of baked pork roll
Pork means the taxpayers money

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In The Belly Of

You live in the belly of lies
Lies sung as if true
bursting forth in anthem cries
Hollow words not few

You live in the belly of hate
Hate sung to those
who dare with you debate
Cowardice in anger prose

You thrive in the belly of corruption
Nodding as you liberals force
all of us to our own destruction
Stupidity without remorse

Defending Hate

The coward whines of things not said
Living a lie as he wets his bed
Glorifying himself above the rest
Soothed by his thoughts that he’s the best

When facts cut deep into his soul
He zips his mouth and digs a hole
Sticking his head where the sun don’t shine
Hiding from truth his motives malign

He’s a coward in hate of all things true
Refusing to discuss the lies of his view
He rants and raves against the good
Defending the bad as only a fool would

He loves Obama for destroying us all
A socialist defender of the coming fall
He breaks all the rules of civil discourse
He’s a liberal and hater with no remorse

The Master’s Embrace

With gold tongue wagging all round
Making truth bend and break
He stands upon the liberal ground
From hence his lies for his own sake
Flows out to his worshippers eyes
Of tranquil lies and elegant fake
Blows by the reality of painful cries

Around his sweet and hallow lines
Swim lies of deceit and lustful intent
If one peels back the bs signs
The smell of lies be skyward sent
Against the words spoke out before
Nine thousand earmarks to circumvent
A hypocrite we can believe no more

Dear Dhimmi, with your brain dead face
There lives on earth a reality known
To those for whom truth can’t disgrace
Nor Satan with his minions shown
Can change or cover up with slime
As you orgasm in your master’s embrace
Remember well this brilliant rhyme

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Seeking Truth

The truth should be sought
To help form a thought
Before the dark covers the light
You seem always to fight
To cover the view
That what you say is untrue

Emotions are good for love in the heart
But politics is different you gotta be smart
Singing and dancing and having a drink
May be fun but one has to think
Refusing to respond to truth stated
Proves exactly that you’re over sedated

A Socialist Slave

On life’s long road I pause to see
A liar and a liberal, the little dhimmi
As I asked the liar who was he
He quickly pointed to the dhimmi
Tis what I want and will soon be

I fought off a wave of sickness strong
Caused by such an ignorant stupid song
There’s something here that is wrong
A lying liberal dhimmi walking along
On a road he really does not belong

His stink, sight and sound repulsed me
For I had fought for us all to be free
And here was a lying liberal dhimmi
Breathing air not meant for he
And walking on ground he wished to see
Governed by hate without liberty

I felt heartsick for this foolish knave
For he had voted for the grave
And now walked with glee as if so brave
Toward the chains that would enslave
Breathe your last you worthless socialist slave

The Sickness

The sickness that is you
Comes rapidly into view
Rejoicing in a baby’s death
Removes quickly a breath

This sickness spreads fast
As the hate roars like the blast
From a podunk lost in the rubble
Of the liberal bursted bubble

To Us Lesser Breed

You float along as Obama speaks
in awe you see his wisdom’s light
though all the words he speaks are lies
in darkness your heart believes he’s right

Created by the liberal lie
the country’s economic crash
proves again your worthless cry
tis but a drop in time’s own trash

You use your burning hate-filled gaze
and with your greed and lust
you openly support your messiah’s ways
as your soul again turns to dust

You share your hate from within your soul
soon all will be lost but you care not
the messiah’s in charge and leads the goal
to social heaven where peace was bought

You call me preachy as if no need
to see your mortal soul in doubt
as you fly high above the lesser breed
still thinking you’re so devout

Stolen Years

He sips from the vine of the liberal lie
Not once, not twice but each day at dawn.
Each lie-filled cup he drinks to get by,
Rationalizing the reality that’s long gone.

When the final day comes he’ll look for shade,
The heat burning hotter as he makes his way.
But he’ll find no relief from the hell he’s made,
Crying and begging by the end of the day.

He has no regard for the babes he’s done,
Claiming each one is a mass for the bin.
They’re real and human this ain’t a pun.
He’s murdering children, the liberal sin.

When autumn comes forth in his sorry life,
I hope they scream loudly in his jaundiced ears.
I hope he sees visions of the babies he’s knifed.
As he slowly realizes he’s stolen their years.

His Feeble Mind

When a liberal stops listening to the rational thoughts of life
An ego trip begins that is full hate, lies and eventually strife
Loss and confusion follows this ignorant liberal call
When truth departs that’s when the soul starts to fall

The soul deteriorates in silence and despair
Drowning itself in rationalizations everywhere
The reality of truth ceases to exist and the lies scream out
In a huge wave of resentment from this despair and doubt

The liberal refuses the truth in his face
He seeks only truth that he can embrace
And of course this truth he hopes to find
Will only gather dust in his feeble mind

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dim Light

The dim light of the liberal goon
Hides well the inner hatred in his heart
His light shines not on freedom’s moon
Nor will his hatred soon depart

Shrieks he against freedom’s worth
Sending forth bile in words of hate
Against the country of his birth
As the truth slowly seals his fate

The songs he sings prove he’s dumb
In stupid lyrics he doesn’t believe
He thinks the worst is yet to come
In hallow words of hate to deceive

He sends no more his altered whines
Of hate and lies and disrespect
For now the liberals are in charge
And truth and honor now perfect

The man in charge proves once more
The liberal way is corrupt and perverse
Setting records on the indictment score
Hey, liberal, the stink will only get worse