Thursday, October 30, 2008

Surprise Me!

Surprise me with your ignorant lies
That I may laugh and smile
Make them huge and big in size
To insure they’ll last a while

Surprise me with your biased lines
That I may slam them really hard
Make them all for the tie that binds
To show the world your such a bard

Surprise me with your words of wit
That I may truly be amazed
Make them soar above your spit
To prove again your hate’s unfazed

Surprise me with your hate-filled soul
That I may stand above the fray
Make it known to all you know
To win a place you will not pray

Ignorance And Illusions

Beyond your ignorance and illusions of the right way,
Dreams of hate-filled exuberance shattered, another day.
Your support for violence toward those you want to defeat,
Proves your claim of tolerance is nothing but deceit.

Sounds of hate-filled lies, now linger solemnly in the air.
The cuntman, she’s ignorant shows how much you care
About tolerance and respect. Are you ready to compare
What you send in anger and hate with what I prepare?

The arrogance of your shallow heart works against humanity.
You scream out I am lying each time I prove your insanity.
The best that you can hope for, when the reaper calls your name,
Is a charcoal grilled banana as you’re roasted in the flame.

You accuse me of such harshness in my prediction of your fate
I am making no prediction, just rereading your lines of hate.
Beyond your ignorance and illusions of the right way,
Lives Satan as your master and he pulls your strings each day.

A Dark Cloak Waving

The full moon braces the lonely night.
Solemn, glowing in shadowy light.
Deep dark figures seen faraway,
Beckon you. Come, come and play.

The closer you get the more you see.
Hair stands on your neck, so you flee.
Out of the dark, a stranger appears,
Dark cloak waving, your worst fears.

“Do not fear my presence,” he seems to say
“I am your dream. Come back. Let’s play.”
Enticing you with a whisper so sweet,
You stop, you listen. Is this deceit?

The One has just made his grand appearance
Bringing with him, his attitude so intense
Enticing you to follow him on his way.
You step to the dark side and there you stay.

You have but few chances to break free,
But he’s already severed you from reality.
Only a fool would have stopped to see
A socialist, a radical against liberty.

You’ve already bought his empty phrases
“Hope for change for change hope raises.”
Garbage spewed forth on the fools he’s snared.
As all are liberals and mentally impaired.

Turn away from him while you still have time,
Nothing he says is worth a dime.
Don’t be fooled by his big illusion,
It’s designed to destroy our Constitution.

If you vote for him now you will surely lose,
Not only your bucks but the right to choose.
You’ll end up blindly following the path,
To hell on earth and the terrorists wrath.

He’ll pilfer your freedom and take your gun,
Leaving you helpless with no where to run.
You’ll be forced to do whatever he wants,
For he’s not for freedom, you ignorant dunce.

The Win

When the November vote came
All the liberals were high
Dancing at the loss for McCain

No one saw the Obama pain
Wonder why does he cry
When the November vote came?

Who is to blame?
We can’t bear to see him cry?
We should dance for the loss to McCain.

Then they felt a sudden pain
And the totals came in by and by
When the November vote came

This unfortunate game
They saw it in his eye
For he was slowly going insane

He had lost all his fame
In the voting he did vie
When the November vote came
For the win was to McCain


Obviously dumb
with brain so numb
believing without
having a doubt

is it your fate
with liberals relate
this ignorance
lies in abundance

once again I attest
you’re deeply obsessed
with intolerance and hate
change before it’s too late

Silent Dreams

In silent dreams you played with the One,
In games of lies; you came undone.
He said he was hate from a million fires
And had caught a hundred billion liars.

"Since the dawn of lies I've sold this curse.
It's an easy job; conning man’s worst."
The One looked proud as he spoke this line,
Like an ardent lover of all hate divine.

"Yes! I've lied to you about all I’ve done."
He spoke as clear as the morning sun,
And into your eyes with a blinding flash,
While all the while he asked for cash.

He asked if you would join his crew?
Yes! Yes! Was your immediate view,
"Then come on board!" A passionate cry.
With you an immediate and frank reply.

Then the One grinned big with all your dough
And walked to the next liberal schmoe.
You stood their shaking and peed in your shorts
As the liberals took your house and transports.

Suddenly, you could speak no more,
You’d just been had by that Obama whore.
No words of pain could describe your woe
So I’ll just say, “I told ya so!”

Uncontrolled Rage

As the uncontrolled rage creases your face,
Distraught from the hate that's filled your day,
I wonder how you function in your daily place.
Where hatred fills the room and doesn’t go away.

There bitter memories, simmer and boil,
Red rage from anger to disgust then slime,
Like tempered steel, dipped in oil,
Raising your hate, rationalizing each time.

Heavy-hearted sneers through the door;
Where hate stood, simmering away;
While epithets spewed forth galore
Of hate-filled rhetoric each and every day.

The socialist will end his run,
Splashing into a venom filled cesspool.
Will there be riots when the whole thing’s done?
Liberals and socialists acting the fool?

Stink rolls down across the trees,
As you and Obama spread the lies,
As ugly and hate whips up the breeze
As you’re surrounded with terrorist allies

These simple words come from my pen,
Truth you will refuse to debate.
So run away and protect your skin
From the truth that will be your ugly fate.

liberal dreams

liberal dreams articulated best
lies, deceit and all the rest
doubt gone at first light
smear with one’s might

liberal dreams full of racist spite
tightly hidden from the light
heart full of sin
greed, hate and pride within

liberal dreams of socialist rule
stuff learned at school
stomp those who disagree
call it right and say we’re free

liberal dreams of what diversity wrought
skin color only not about thought

liberals are tolerant
except for the ignorant


The insanity of the liberal mind
Judges those sane in madness be
To their squalid hate and evil blind
Beyond that of human reality

And who are these to judge the sane
Except be liberal in their asylum crazed
Thrust against the righteous domain
Of truth and logic praised
In lies spewed forth from hate-filled spite
From the master of the evil past
With dreams of an Obama blight
Spreading cancerous sores so vast
Evil socialist, madness rages
Straight from the outer darkness
Bought and sold through the ages
As weakened minds feel no distress
So dare not show me your psychosis
Intolerant words of hate outdone
Scratched onto your mental diagnosis
Vote, you say. Vote for the Chosen One

From Hence Comes The Milk?

He staggered from his bed and crawled down the hallway
Dragging his ignorance and blatant bias to start a new day
The lies, the ignorance from the dark regions of his head
Came to fruition in his liberal dreams hatched in his bed

His head spun with a liberal ugly relentless hate
Toward any who dared to his chosen one berate
Like a cancer eating at his soft and morbid brain
With the hate and the ignorance he has gone insane

As he approached his bowl of anti-American gruel
He spat upon the flag and flushed in down the stool
Believing himself to be the keeper of all things true
He again sought the bennies he thought were overdue

He dreamed that wealth was his both free and clear
With Obama the promise of his fortune now so near
Why work when the Chosen One can bring you wealth
Happiness in this victimhood along with eternal health

He grieved not for those who had to work or even die
To get what he considered was his piece of the total pie
Like all the other morons of the liberal dumbass ilk
He knew not from the working cow comes his drinking milk

Your Utopia At Last!

Your words spin from your lips
In liberal haughtiness.
Fresh-plowed crap from liberal scripts.
For which you can’t confess.

You tip toe through reality
To spread your lies complete.
You have no feel for morality
In your lying liberal deceit.

Your jaundiced eyes gleam gleefully
For socialism’s chance to come
Redistribution of wealth most holy
So a lazy liberal can have some

As the One coos softly in your ears
And panders to your face
You’re happy to spread his lying smears
As long as he wins the race

He’ll care for your every need
And make the waters part
And if he really can’t do the deed
You can always smell his fart

He’ll bring you food in the day
And pay your bills at night
You’ll never again have to pray
Nor worry about what’s wrong or right

Imagine a world with nothing but love
No lies, no smears and nothing bad
Just relax and enjoy the One above
For He’s come to be your loving dad

A perfect man with a perfect plan
Your Utopia has just begun
There’s no one better for your land
Than the man they call the ONE

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Seeing The Light

Claiming to be an elite podunker all the time
He crowned himself great and in his prime
He wrote such junk in liars’ prose
Liberal hate which grows and grows

He defended the fraud that the voters had
Thought it ok and not that bad
He loved the One whom God did call
The name of the game is to win it all

His background was one of hate-filled bliss
Drinking the dregs from the One’s own piss
He dreamed of a time when decisions are made
By the One’s own men during the liberal crusade

He wanted to force all Americans to buy
The swill and hate in the liberal lie
The babies he murdered were nothing but trash
Sliced and diced to save some cash

His hatred of others who forced him to think
Brought him to the edge of sanity’s brink
He ranted and raved about what is right
Making believe he had seen the light

We’ve been told often of Satan’s delight
Of showing himself as a prophet of light
The dhimmi has seen the light for sure
‘Tis the light of Satan for the immature

The Soul That Bloats

Your saddened soul bloats out of control
Causing the ugly rants of one who hates
Anyone who opposes your socialist goal
Of destroying the nation called United States

You hate what’s right and are not afraid
To murder babies, the liberal crusade
How many times have you smiled and betrayed
The baby’s life by the executioner’s blade

You claim it’s spam when you don’t agree
But send it on when it’s a liberal plea
You cry out loud when your lies prove wrong
But refuse to admit you shouldn’t sing that song

You live in a world of make believe
Where right is wrong and up is down
You think you have the right to deceive
By words of hate you spread around

I’ve challenged you at least a hundred times
To send the proof with your words of hate
One would think you’d understand sometimes
That proof is needed when you’re in a debate

Your words are lies this I’ve proven before
Yet you repeat the same crap and sometimes more
All liberals lie like Al Gore, the whore
For a liberal like you, I’ll simply ignore

The Art Of Basking

The ignorance of truth defined him clear
Hate-filled sessions wreaked his brain
Liberal teachers forced his soul so dear
To accept their hatred and total disdain

His mouth formed words of callousness
Squeezed from his lungs of desperate sin
His throat on fire from liars’ stress
Shouted liberal words memorized within

Whenever the truth came riding in prose
He’d shut his eyes then run and hide
The liberal way was the path he chose
No facts of truth could change his stride

He claimed the truth was nothing but spam
Basing it on his sinful desires
The facts he always tried to slam
With BS words from other liars

He prostrated himself before the One
Spewing forth hate to those opposed
Once more his ignorance not outdone
Revealing the lies that were exposed

He claimed he did not have to respond
To the truth or even questions asked
By anyone who lived out beyond
Those who in the One’s light basked

The Hate-filled Bloated Kind

Is it lies or corruption that plays upon your mind?
Lost in the reality of the hate-filled bloated kind,
You drift into a sea of violence and intolerance on the way.
Your shame never reaches your brain each and every day.

You used to be a Christian but you let it slip away.
Winning, you say, is all that is important now today.
I wonder how tomorrow will change your point of view,
When the temperature of the heat rises just for you?

Lying is ok if it is done for the liberals and their way.
Killing kids and laughing is the message you send today.
The tragedy of your position will show in the mists of time
And your burning soul will falter as it sings a different rhyme.

Voter Fraud

He stands for hatred and the social end
Of the country of his birth
To everyone he meets, he speaks his ugly spin

All his words have lost their worth
In this his ignorant little game
But his words aren’t filled with mirth

Most of his words are all the same
As he hides from the truth he fears
It simply proves he’s lame

What he writes fills our eyes with tears
As he laughs so long and loud
When a voter magically appears

He seems so very proud
To be one of the liberal elite
Where thinking’s not allowed

Ahh, but he thinks its fine to cheat
As he fills out the voter sheet

Putrid Soul

Oh, putrid soul so drowned in hate and lies,
Cowering before the toes of the obamanation.
Your guilt leashed to the babies’ cries,
As you spew forth your lies and corruption.

Truth, if it be found, you stomp into the grass.
With knives and forks into their brains aghast,
Filling the crimson baby flood as you surpass
The ugly rants in this evil from your past.

A coward, craven leper casting fear from below,
Onto those who refuse to follow your evil bent.
The future of your way in the hellfire you will go.
The voices of the dead gives daily your torment.

Dance now, lover of deceit
For the end will define you: dead meat!

Truth Comes In A Flash

His darkened brain spewed out the lies, 
A shallow stream of ugly hateful blame,
Covering up with hate the hows and whys
Of sinful bliss in his liberal burning flame.

His mushed out strip of soft brain matter,
As slime secreted from his blood-shot eye,
Stumbled as it was accosted with a shatter,
While the clock slowly ticked his life by.

"I can't even defend the lies anymore.
Yet a liberal am I and I’ll carry on,
Ain't told no truth since I was twenty-four,
I’ll be a liberal ‘till I’m dead and gone."

Would be nice to think he was not insane,
When he spewed the crap each time.
A liberal liar lying with words so inane.
Such a shame about such a rotten crime!

Slowly relieving himself in his chair,
Turns his nose toward the steaming pile,
Wonders in his mush-brain, does he dare
Eat this crap even if it is vile?

Sliding his hand under the reeking turds,
Lowering himself slowly toward the stink,
"I guess since it is the same as my words,
Hellfire, no one said I had to think."

Just before his tongue touched the crap,
Bright lights flew past his window.
Startled by the light the crap fell in his lap,
"I'm hungry for the lies, don't you know?"

Then the front door flew open with a flash,
Stopping quickly his desire to eat the debris.
In the bright glare, stood Mother Teresa in her sash
Singing, "Truth is here for you, dear dhimmi."

"You best get up and clean up your chair,
Before you’re forced to eat that crap again!”
Then she and him sat down right there,
And from that day the lies he did refrain.

Humanity’s Tree

You have fallen from humanity’s tree
The socialist lie is your new home
No need to ask you why anyone can see
As you rest upon your socialist throne

The socialist scum all have your scent
Of lies and corruption in musty air
And when the money is all spent
You’ll celebrate because you don’t care

You have fallen from humanity’s tree
Your integrity no one can long address
No need to ask you why anyone can see
As you yield to the socialist caress

Among the the other fallen bums
You decorate the liar’s ground
A group of worthless lying scums
In raptured, glorious lies profound

You have fallen from humanity’s tree
Beneath the corrupted limbs you lie
No need to ask you why anyone can see
No need to ask you why as you won’t reply

Go Inside

If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend
If you’re not, run away and quickly leave
He won’t like you, he wants to see your end
If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend
Share with him your hatred, he will condescend
If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend.
Listen to his garbage and then believe
If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend
If you’re not, be prepared for his hatred to receive

Make Believe

A liberal in this world
A fool in make believe
Tis but a fairy tale
Of corruption to deceive

A lie within your heart
May be closer to the truth
Than anything I say
Concerning your lost youth

You believe in your own greatness
You think this is really true
But a podunker looking stupid
Is the best that you can do

Your podunk life once more proves
From the silence you send to me
You have blank cells in your head
Any fool can easily see

Your foot lives in your mouth
From all the lies that you have spread
The truth treats you unkind
So it doesn’t matter what you said

You spin your hate-filled rants
And try to make believe
Liberals are all the rage
But once more you self-deceive

Send An Email

Send an email
With words real

Say something other
Than how you feel

Create a vision from the truth
With logic thought

Sketch a picture not a lie
Not your DNC snot

Build a concept that
Does not lie

Sing a song so
Babes don’t die

Dance the dance of
A Christian soul

Give me truth and
not black coal

Make it right right
And not left wrong

Keep the faith
and keep it strong

Give me the beauty
Not leftist props

Don’t let ole’ Satan
Bust your chops

Pray the truth you can see
Don’t send me junk or bother me
For I am right and always free

Going Cold Silence

There once was a liberal who loved to hate,
Spewing forth hatred until very late.

So busy with hate, smears and such,
The truth it came but he did not touch.

When at his computer he often wrote,
Ugly, stupid lies to his brother remote.

When the truth came out, cold silence he’d go,
Hoping for more of that Obama glow.

His mouth was silence as he ran away
A man he wasn’t, that’s easy to say.

Outside in the dark as the truth he faced,
It’s a lie, it’s a lie, he loudly grimaced.

But the truth stood firmly against these lies,
As the liberal cried out his lies to revise.

As the liberal denied the lies that he’d spread,
A bolt of lightning hit him dead in the head.

The moral of this story as you already expect,
Is for liberals to stop lying and show truth respect.

Monday, October 6, 2008

On Digital Air

Your empty words float on digital air
Buoyed by hate, greed and lies so bad
All written with liberal smearing care
Proving once more your soul’s so sad

I write these words in the morning light
Singeing your hate with perfect bliss
Opening with truth your darkened night
One only a liberal would care to miss

At times I write in such a brilliant way
The truth now totally in control
Saying things I am forced to say
From way down deep inside my soul

My poems respond to your hate-filled heart
Sharing the truth with passionate grace
Of hard-core logic mixed with rhyming art
Truth right there in your podunk face

I write of things you know nothing about
Logical excursions of right and wrong
Of true love and respect you’re now without
In that club of silence you now belong

Hour by hour as time goes by
I write the truth to a brother lost
Since he never asks the reasons why
He’ll never understand the final cost

The liberal way is no way at all
Just fools wandering along a backward path
No reason, no rhyme, destined to fall
The fruit at the end is God’s holy wrath

Send Me

Tell me again how great your pen,
Articles sold and read by men.
Tell me again about your greatest ,
or was this just one of your latest?

Send me once again your brilliant prose,
Or are there problems trying to compose?
Show me I’m wrong in what I say,
Or put it off for another day

The trash you write you don’t remember.
What do you call it, The Audacity of Slumber?
Why not admit you can’t write a lick,
Except for liberals who are greedy and sick.

Write some prose without the smell

Of the liberal crap you’re trying to sell.
Convince me you’re not a brainless boob
Growing up as a podunk rube.

Send an email with logic verse
Not simpleton feelings or something worse
Give me sense that you’re educated and smart
with ideas that resound in an American’s heart

Visualize something more than hate.
Don’t send me rumors or things half-baked.
Present me with facts along with your lines,
Or admit you’re an idiot, a liberal with blinds.

Between Passion And Fashion

You follow a path that leads you through
lies and deceit where nothing is true.
Sacred hate alternates between passion
and a desire to follow the liberal fashion

Walking among the dying embers of a fire gone cold;
stepping over the bodies of the lies you’ve told;
believing your own filth as if it were true.
Now you’re adrift in a world gone askew

Theirs a fork up ahead where you could get off.
A great way to redemption but you’ll just scoff.
A liberal’s a waste of humanity’s flesh.
Proof once more - execute now and you know the rest.

The Foulest Fruit

Oh, liberal, you are the foulest fruit
No one dare to dispute
Your love of hate
And the lies you create

You make me sad, you make me old
A heart so cold
Liar for the Chosen One
You have yourself really outdone

I’m sure you’re happy in your lying scheme
The end of America it is your dream
These words I write are true
Hope they do offend you

Asleep With The Sheep

Are you using your brain or is it asleep?
Asleep? Well, do you mind if I awaken it?
Care for a little logical thought?
Or is it something you won’t admit?

Has your brain been asleep for long?
Seems its a bit muddled and drowsy right now.
Should I come back to show you the truth?
What! It’s something your brain won’t allow!

Have you been in this stupor before?
No, I never allow my brain to fall asleep.
Could I get you something to help you awake?
Seems kind of funny you being such a sheep.

Since you’re a liberal and sheep to boot,
How does it feel to be told what to say?
Your brain is a sleep and you are a sheep,
Seems kind of sad to live that way.

You sure are a dunce to believe what Obama says.
Is it because you’re a sheep or your sleeping brain?
Let’s sit down and see what the Chosen one said
Look at his speeches and the words they contain.

What did you say? Your brain is asleep and will not awake
You love being a sheep and believing in lies.
Yep, I do believe you are really a sheep on pills
A sheep is a sheep, this a liberal cannot disguise!