Monday, October 22, 2007

The Grandeur of Ignorance

Email! And now the grandeur of ignorance, felt,
Seen and read this email full of nonsense.
Slow-witted the prose like cheese does melt,
Gumming up my drives, once ordered bytes so dense,
Mangled with the disgusting lies against truth, so tense
With the dripping hate of words which Satan’s dealt.
And why should I, a truthful man, with this take offense?

Dare not game I the stone cold of the silent hour,
So you, the ignorance, think you have such fruitful plan.
Your face of skin so thick is the face of cower,
Your words of lies prove You are that of a lesser man
As the lies spewed forth onto the earth and ran,
Ugly and subtle and fierce with evasive power,
As though forced out from your smelly rectal gland.

The words of lies possessed by Satan pervades
The once clean air that surrounds us as we sleep.
Sinister, strong are the lies as the truth fades,
How long has it been from your lies not a weep?
A cancerous growth impregnating your soul so deep
Forever darkened from the light by the shades
Of the lies and the company I would never keep.

Your brain cannot hold the splendour of truthful fast;
It’s power to think has died from sinful play.
And the truth, triumphant when I send a blast
To you while you sit in your ridiculous sway.
But the might of the truth, with you betray,
Leave you with nothing but lies that cannot last;
But if there be those can see your sense, I can’t say.

For if anyone has read your stuff with sense and trust
And tried to decipher its meaning, as a vision or dream,
His lips are now and forever sealed as a dead man’s must,
And his heart is drained of his blood as in a stream.
For no one can read your junk of mystery that seem
To twist the words of darkness and spread the liar’s dust.
Shall a truthful man of faith, reading, try to guess your theme?

Is it fear and terror that circles you round, and invades
Each vein of your life with hate - with love not here?
Each word that sucks the blood of hate for decades
Each word that portrays the evil for all things near
Rekindles with a sense of hate you hold so dear.
Is truth so repulsive to you that it in you degrades
The very essence of your life gone astray? Is truth not here?

This truth that surely still lingers and brings the light,
The truth that speaks in the silence of your heart to see,
The sense, the power that it brings to those in the night,
Or the peace that comes to those who seek in it to be,
Surely, even you, a podunker, cannot give argue to me!
Alas! The shadows of darkness has allowed truth to take flight;
But not from all, ‘tis but an ignorant dream of only thee.

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