Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dancing With Vapors

Dancing with the vapors in the sky
Telling lies all through the night
Embracing the current liberal lie
Hate-filled passions about to ignite

Your soul in danger of the burning fire
Hate so deep you know not what to do
A wrath filled seed in a demon’s desire
Forced to rationalize away what's true

A whispered word of insolence brings
Soft murmurings of a never ending song
Reaping the fear from righteous things
As Satan draws you close where you belong

You babble about the liberal way
You capture hate and lose control
Of your soul, what more can I say
The end to a blighted, noxious soul


He lays beside you, while you sleep.
He’s easy, simple and, oh, so cheap.

He keeps you warm and satisfied.
He’ll never tell you that he lied.

Promises are made to make you think
He is your friend, he says with a wink.

For those of us who don’t understand,
You blame it on our evil plan.

You say he’s great in loving praise.
We ask how much to you he pays.

You yell and scream and call us fools,
Accusing us of breaking liberal rules.

We tell you plainly and so very clear,
To your liberal rules, we do not adhere.

You scream some more and start to cry,
Such liberal rules to all apply.

The one you sleep with told you so,
Since he’s the ONE, he should know.

Again you attack with words of hate,
But by then it’s much, much too late.

The One has called you from the rear,
You say he did, but we did not hear.

We look at you with scornful doubt.
You’re all deaf, again you shout.

We see some red inside your house
And wonder if it was just a mouse.

We hear you whisper words of praise
And walk inside as if in a daze.

We see again the red wrapped thing
And hear strange bells start to ring.

We watch as a red engulfs your face
And covers everything that’s in your place.

We hear you sing and hum a song
Of pleasures here both weak and strong.

We see the pitch fork and feel the fire
And realize it’s time for us to retire.

He lays beside you, while you sleep.
He’s easy, simple and, oh, so cheap.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Behind the wall where liberals dwell
Lives podunk dhimmi in servitude
Drinking wine from the messiah’s spell
A hate-filled clone with an attitude

He screams for blood each day he lives
From those who know and say what’s true
He’ll send his prose to all who gives
words of love for Obama’s crew

He is a coward who speaks not at all
When truth comes up and slaps his face
He’ll scream and yell then drop the ball
Running away to his hiding place

He sits around and hopes for change
As he rants and raves against honesty
For the Chosen One it does seem strange
Would choose his staff of such idiocracy

Demented Dreams

Your boiling hate demanding voice
As if in sleep’s demented dreams
The liberal phantoms bring you choice
But not of truth or so it seems

The hatred deep within your core
Pressed upward to a demented mind
You try to hide with lies galore
From we who are normal humankind

Your shrouded voice comes and goes
With hate-filled lies, a thin facade
You write in clipped and ignorant prose
Of things you believe of your Obama god

An empty suit, Obama, some would say
A con man conned all fools like you
An evil soul who waits to play
A game so flawed you’ll think it true

So many bowed with mouths that dripped
Of ignorance now both known and seen
He cannot speak without a script
As his eyes move up and down the screen

He knows that each of you
Rejects the things misunderstood
So he feeds you stuff that is not true
Knowing you’ll never do what’s good

You think he’s great but cannot tell why
Since your medication must be all out
It’s easy for him to speak his lie
Proving once more your brain’s in doubt

The Scent Of Utopia

The scent of your lies lingers in the air,
A socialist utopia far away somewhere.
A place where all are forced to agree,
On the liberal edicts against liberty.

With your mouth covered in Obama lies,
An evil sparkles in your blood-shot eyes.
Obama speaks again with a voice of gold,
“Your thoughts are mine, your bought ‘n sold.”

Your obeisance shimmers on the liars’ pond;
You have no thoughts on the world beyond.
Mush-filled brains in this utopian place;
There’s nothing written on your ignorant face.

You repeat the lies that come your way
And think you’re brilliant in what you say.
Your empty voice reeks of novocaine air,
Thinking there’s still a utopia somewhere.


In lies they don’t realize
Just how evil they are
Nonchalant to idealize
Their blackened souls ajar

Evil eyes hypnotized
By their own hateful slime
Righteous only to disguise
Disgusting sinful grime

Greedy eyes seek the prize
In this they’re all alone
This, of course, no surprise
Reaping what they have sown

They must revise they soon surmise
Their anger and their hate
For the one is gone they did despise
With no one now to desecrate

Their hate defies these stupid guys
For who they really are
The failure comes as each one tries
To be spectacular

Hatred Perverse

A world without hatred perverse
Would be a place no liberals traverse

Eight years of hate, lies and smears were fine
Reverse the events and listen to the liberals whine

An empty suit elected in waves of deceit
The loss of reality hoping for final defeat

A brother so full of hatred he’s lost his way
Thinking the lies were true to reality’s dismay

Eight years of hate, lies and smears so sordid
No more words of attack he yelled then recorded

Such words of cowardice ring true to the source
Liberal hate floating on a sea of no remorse

Lie and spread the filth in the name of the messiah
Success means the end of debate just ask Jeremiah

Ignorance illuminated among liberal sheep
Unable to say who is awake and who is asleep

Born at the alter of Satan’s dominion on earth
The messiah walks proudly in religious mirth

Too dumb to see truth braced by their lies
They move quickly to bring America’s demise
Frightfully stupid, insipidly lame
Liberals share hatred as if in a game

No chant of victory will save hateful souls
As Satan has spoken and each liberal knows

Whispering Lies

The liar in you is where he wants to be
Whispering lies from the DNC
In a world of hate you live quite free
Fanning the flames by your hate-filled plea

The law doesn’t apply unless you agree
Minorities are different than you and me
They live in the evil American society
Victims to be coddled by the bourgeoisie

Socialism works just wait and see
Obama’s the one you both agree
He’ll fix all the flaws for liberty
Except for the ones who disagree

The liberals know all about the economy
They’ll throw it away in a spending spree
As long as you vote and will agree
To keep them in power in ole DC

The Beast

Dark tinted steam from the mouth of the beast
You smell it, drink it and keep it in your mind
The caressing lies of empty words that feast
On the liberal brain, lacking logic of any kind

You sit among the morbid dead without reason
Claiming victory as you embrace the beast
Goodness gone you blamed it on the season
But hatred for hatred’s sake can not be released

For eight long years your brain cells belched out
The lies that floated in your personal sewer
Suddenly by magic you forget what it’s all about
“No more politics” as if from an innocent viewer

All that was intricate and false suddenly disappears
And thus your lies and hate are no longer needed
The beast now sits where once you sent hate spears
Your lies it seems have at once been superseded

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dead End Trail

It’s a dead end trail
Liberals and socialists
Choose for their tale
With hate-filled fists

Never successful
Terribly destructive
Willful and hateful
Yet so seductive

The ground is swollen
With bodies of victims
Broken and stolen
By socialist whims

No time in history
Has socialism succeeded
Only death without glory
Where it has proceeded

Why think you fools
Can overcome what’s true
When your messiah rules
On a four-year-long screw


To the liberals I weep my tears
In their cesspools so dark.
The lies they spread for years,
For logic as usual missed its mark

Their evil brains knew not what’s true
Their hearts were left half-dead;
For logic's light long overdue,
Replaced by liberal dark instead.

So dumb, so dumb like little sheep
They for the socialist sought.
Ask those who failed now weep,
A hundred million lost and distraught.

At times end when we pay our dues,
And reason why we told the lies,
The liberals will cry and try to excuse,
Their hate-filled words and dumb disguise.

They’ll sing the song that all fools do
When faced with their reality.
They didn’t know, what was really true
So they walked the road of immorality.

No Atonement

Clear memories of your lies
Still flicker on my screen
Cowardice arrives no surprise
Stone cold silence still the theme

Fifty two is a stomp
Fifty one a divide
Math in a liberal swamp
Where the lie is the guide

Challenged statements of hate
Not once, not twice but thrice
As cold silence rolls over your fate
Your integrity is the sacrifice

You demand a stoppage of true
As your messiah takes his throne
The truth will not be stopped by you
Nor will this silence your lies atone


I wasn’t born to be a jerk
Ignorance was not my crown
I studied hard to get this perk
In this position of liberal clown

I hate those who argue with me
My greatness is my own design
What I state all must agree
Brilliant words expressed so divine

My ability to rationalize
All the truth that smacks my face
Becomes easier each day full of lies
Gone my integrity without a trace

My insightful views like an arrow
Piercing deep into philosophy’s heart
In our brilliant future for hate to sow
As our messiah next year will start.

He’ll prove by his great advances
The wisdom in our righteous cause
As we share in the terrorists’ dances
The end of America and her flaws

Smiling, talking, playing the king
With cowardice as his friend
As eyes sparkle and lips sing
On him everyone can depend

I love this guy for what he said
Words spoken clearly not routine
His words of wisdom live in my head
But please don’t ask me what they mean

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ghastly Specters

The gloom rises slowly over the Chosen land of yore
Ghastly specters haunt the dreams of the innocent poor
There is nothing but darkness and gloom not like before
Hate enraged hoards march as death comes to every door

Through the dark a figure stands, “we are the one open the door”
Taunting those who oppose his deeds. you must to him adore
The hoards arrive and they move rapidly through the door
Blood soaks the carpeting as flesh is strewn upon the floor

The Chosen One is kind and considerate as he watches from the door
Love flows from the butchers’ knives as they cut and cut some more
Blood flows and the room now is colored in a bright crimson decor
Their job done, the hoard salutes and moves slowly through the gore

In the gloom as the land sleeps, fleeing conscience outward creeps,
The Chosen One moves rapidly to destroy his foes as he sweeps
Across the land he hates with utterly indecipherable words or bleeps
As death reigns down on those he hates as bodies pile up in heaps

“I just want us to get along” he whispers to those who ask him why
And try to make sense of the disasters that is now before them lie
They see and hear their friends in anguish as they slowly die
At the hands of the Chosen One whom they thought was their ally

Tis but a small inconvenience to rid the earth of those who would
Disagree with my world of peace and harmony - the ultimate good
How dare you who are left even question me - is that understood?
It is not yours to question so be happy in your own victimhood”

And with the dawn of the new age falling, corruption seizes the land
The cabinet now sitting with the Chosen One sucks up a thousand grand
Whispering words of wisdom designed to complete their evil plan
Terrors in the wind reign down on those who bought the One’s great brand

From the gutters of the world, a thousand bombs are heard exploding
With the body parts a’flying Biden’s words now seem more foreboding
Twas the bombing by his friends who had told him of their siding
Will his end last longer than his start as the situation starts eroding

Now we’re all a bunch of zombies smiling when we’re told we oughta
The Chosen One has won and we now belong to Allah
The dhimmis are all happy and they’ve thrown a party gala
The rest of us just watch and wait for the coming of our valhalla

If You Were Right

If you were right
And out of sight
You’re not

You’d not lie
And loudly cry
You forgot

You spread your crap
And are the sap
You tell

The noise becomes
The muffled drums
Of hell

The lies you told
Are now quite old
You too

The liberal way
Won’t let you say
What’s true

Wagering Your Soul

Oh, fleckless one in this your daunting task
To tell the truth and admit you’ve been wrong
On issues you have failed to grasp
And understand their evil fleeting song

Help not yourself to Satan’s glory
Bypass such spendor-rigged words of praise
They swamp your mind with promised endings
While ripping away the fragile lining of your days

You murder children as they sleep
In mother’s kind and gentle nest
You smile and soak the weak ones’ blood
From floors of white that reel in protest

Your new god-king now prepares his throne
As blood of babes drips from his darkened hand
He smiles and talks of tolerance rising
Amidst a desire to take his full command

He talks of peace and joy among the nations
As he seeks the approval from below
He strips the rights of those who live at home
In the name of the new messiah and his show

You lick the sweat from his imagined glory
Giving obeisance to the chosen one
You bought his shit and all his garbage
Without a blink the end has just begun

Your fear of debate on all the issues
Proves a podunk you surely are
Can’t see the truth for all the lies
You’ve spread daily wide and far

Please celebrate your new beginning
Drink it up and let the victory flow
You’ve wagered your soul for the new messiah
But, alas, He already came two thousand years ago 

I Dare Not

I can not
Dare not
Discuss, said he
The issues
To any degree

I must not
Will not
Accept, said he
The facts
Unless they from the DNC

I hope not
Dream not
Reality, said he
I fear
For my sanity

I Can Not

I can not
Should not
Respond, said he
To truth
With no integrity

I best not
Can not
Read, said he
The truth
To gain my liberty

I shall not
Will not
Admit, said he
The lies
Of my fraternity

Is There Hate

Is there hate among the liberals
A question asked of the Little Dhimmi
No, no he said it is all about principals
It’s you who hate because you dared ask me

The Dhimmi then wrote a poem of verse
It was poorly constructed and quite oblique
In fact the poem was quite perverse
Admitting stone cold silence was his schtick

His hate-filled head could not respond
To challenges to his own dumb words
He hemmed and hawed way beyond
The reaches of the highest flying birds

His answer to my simple query
Proved his own hate-filled despair
This hateful poison should make one wary
Of what he thinks is good and fair

Is there hate among the liberals
A question asked fair and square
The Dhimmi like all hateful radicals
Attacked the one who dared declare

The P-Word Triumphant

The P-word living the American lie
He never got caught in his secret life
Of touching games to try to get high
Destroying worlds in hateful strife

He has a voice of lustful charm
A badgering, controlling force
To bring the victims his ugly harm
By touching, licking and even worse

The proof of this his awful attacks
Is based on known careful research
You doubt my words or want the facts
Go to the internet and do your search

A Blubbering Clown

Closing his eyes to hide my predictions first
He sends an email trying to close my lips
As his hate filled temper forces his head to burst
From the stone cold silence his mouth gently sips

He tells me to go find the answers myself
But I did not lie nor did I spread
The evil smears from Satan himself
For the power to gain and get ahead

The stone cold silence rises loudly high
Above ignorant words written down
He has no proof nor does he even try
To find the truth as a blubbering clown

There is no proof for his lying smears
Never was nor will there ever be
The lies were not but liberal cheers
Of hate-filled greed to steal liberty

What's next on this idiot's roster?
The P-word used to show a dunce
How stupid and ignorant it is to foster
A lie without giving evidence once

Song of Obama

Obama is my father;
I no longer have to bother.
He giveth me all the tax:
Ripping off those who work to the max. 
He makes us all socialists
By forcing us into his righteousness.
Yea, though I don’t want to I must kiss his feet,
Or be faced with his thugs at my door to meet.
I will fear his evil,
For his is the primevil.
His rod and staff shall beat me
Into submission to give me liberty.
He will prepare for me a cell,
Making for me a living hell,
Unless I give up my freedom to speak
Against his fascism with factual critique.
He anointest himself with foreign oil
To insure we suffer daily on our own soil.
He appeases our enemies with his fluff,
As they kill and maim us with their stuff.
Surely evil and hate will follow us along,
As Obama insures we will never again be strong.

Bleached By Denial

He walks among the living dead
A soul bleached by his own denial
And thrust among the living to revile
The very path he now must tread

He gave in to the hate-filled reason
Of fear, regret and personal greed
Following those who filled his need
Of phony caresses for a sweeter season

He walks in angers’ darkened shade
In hopes the truth touches not his face
This fear is based on his own disgrace
Of choices earlier in life he made

The choices he made cannot be undone
So each morning he fills his hate-filled cup
And slurps the miserable red liquid up
As his eyes look away from the rising sun

Like maggots eating stinking rotten meat
He wallows in the garbage of hate and disgust
Never thinking beyond his personal distrust
Of people with whom he will share defeat

He reeks of pampered criminal deceit
In billowing rants of liberal lies
No truth has he in the rising cries
Of self-deluded words in the fate they meet

His passionate hatred in the red worn mist
Rises above sanity’s shores of relief
Using his hate to cause others’ grief
Believing his hate doesn’t really exist

He’ll rationalize his blatant desire
To prove he’s great in English prose
He’ll twist the facts to let him compose
Lies of hate in his liberal attire

He sits among the rotten dead
Exposing himself to the dangerous disease
Of the weak-kneed liars who want to appease
And bow down before The Chosen One’s head

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Surprise Me!

Surprise me with your ignorant lies
That I may laugh and smile
Make them huge and big in size
To insure they’ll last a while

Surprise me with your biased lines
That I may slam them really hard
Make them all for the tie that binds
To show the world your such a bard

Surprise me with your words of wit
That I may truly be amazed
Make them soar above your spit
To prove again your hate’s unfazed

Surprise me with your hate-filled soul
That I may stand above the fray
Make it known to all you know
To win a place you will not pray

Ignorance And Illusions

Beyond your ignorance and illusions of the right way,
Dreams of hate-filled exuberance shattered, another day.
Your support for violence toward those you want to defeat,
Proves your claim of tolerance is nothing but deceit.

Sounds of hate-filled lies, now linger solemnly in the air.
The cuntman, she’s ignorant shows how much you care
About tolerance and respect. Are you ready to compare
What you send in anger and hate with what I prepare?

The arrogance of your shallow heart works against humanity.
You scream out I am lying each time I prove your insanity.
The best that you can hope for, when the reaper calls your name,
Is a charcoal grilled banana as you’re roasted in the flame.

You accuse me of such harshness in my prediction of your fate
I am making no prediction, just rereading your lines of hate.
Beyond your ignorance and illusions of the right way,
Lives Satan as your master and he pulls your strings each day.

A Dark Cloak Waving

The full moon braces the lonely night.
Solemn, glowing in shadowy light.
Deep dark figures seen faraway,
Beckon you. Come, come and play.

The closer you get the more you see.
Hair stands on your neck, so you flee.
Out of the dark, a stranger appears,
Dark cloak waving, your worst fears.

“Do not fear my presence,” he seems to say
“I am your dream. Come back. Let’s play.”
Enticing you with a whisper so sweet,
You stop, you listen. Is this deceit?

The One has just made his grand appearance
Bringing with him, his attitude so intense
Enticing you to follow him on his way.
You step to the dark side and there you stay.

You have but few chances to break free,
But he’s already severed you from reality.
Only a fool would have stopped to see
A socialist, a radical against liberty.

You’ve already bought his empty phrases
“Hope for change for change hope raises.”
Garbage spewed forth on the fools he’s snared.
As all are liberals and mentally impaired.

Turn away from him while you still have time,
Nothing he says is worth a dime.
Don’t be fooled by his big illusion,
It’s designed to destroy our Constitution.

If you vote for him now you will surely lose,
Not only your bucks but the right to choose.
You’ll end up blindly following the path,
To hell on earth and the terrorists wrath.

He’ll pilfer your freedom and take your gun,
Leaving you helpless with no where to run.
You’ll be forced to do whatever he wants,
For he’s not for freedom, you ignorant dunce.

The Win

When the November vote came
All the liberals were high
Dancing at the loss for McCain

No one saw the Obama pain
Wonder why does he cry
When the November vote came?

Who is to blame?
We can’t bear to see him cry?
We should dance for the loss to McCain.

Then they felt a sudden pain
And the totals came in by and by
When the November vote came

This unfortunate game
They saw it in his eye
For he was slowly going insane

He had lost all his fame
In the voting he did vie
When the November vote came
For the win was to McCain


Obviously dumb
with brain so numb
believing without
having a doubt

is it your fate
with liberals relate
this ignorance
lies in abundance

once again I attest
you’re deeply obsessed
with intolerance and hate
change before it’s too late

Silent Dreams

In silent dreams you played with the One,
In games of lies; you came undone.
He said he was hate from a million fires
And had caught a hundred billion liars.

"Since the dawn of lies I've sold this curse.
It's an easy job; conning man’s worst."
The One looked proud as he spoke this line,
Like an ardent lover of all hate divine.

"Yes! I've lied to you about all I’ve done."
He spoke as clear as the morning sun,
And into your eyes with a blinding flash,
While all the while he asked for cash.

He asked if you would join his crew?
Yes! Yes! Was your immediate view,
"Then come on board!" A passionate cry.
With you an immediate and frank reply.

Then the One grinned big with all your dough
And walked to the next liberal schmoe.
You stood their shaking and peed in your shorts
As the liberals took your house and transports.

Suddenly, you could speak no more,
You’d just been had by that Obama whore.
No words of pain could describe your woe
So I’ll just say, “I told ya so!”

Uncontrolled Rage

As the uncontrolled rage creases your face,
Distraught from the hate that's filled your day,
I wonder how you function in your daily place.
Where hatred fills the room and doesn’t go away.

There bitter memories, simmer and boil,
Red rage from anger to disgust then slime,
Like tempered steel, dipped in oil,
Raising your hate, rationalizing each time.

Heavy-hearted sneers through the door;
Where hate stood, simmering away;
While epithets spewed forth galore
Of hate-filled rhetoric each and every day.

The socialist will end his run,
Splashing into a venom filled cesspool.
Will there be riots when the whole thing’s done?
Liberals and socialists acting the fool?

Stink rolls down across the trees,
As you and Obama spread the lies,
As ugly and hate whips up the breeze
As you’re surrounded with terrorist allies

These simple words come from my pen,
Truth you will refuse to debate.
So run away and protect your skin
From the truth that will be your ugly fate.

liberal dreams

liberal dreams articulated best
lies, deceit and all the rest
doubt gone at first light
smear with one’s might

liberal dreams full of racist spite
tightly hidden from the light
heart full of sin
greed, hate and pride within

liberal dreams of socialist rule
stuff learned at school
stomp those who disagree
call it right and say we’re free

liberal dreams of what diversity wrought
skin color only not about thought

liberals are tolerant
except for the ignorant


The insanity of the liberal mind
Judges those sane in madness be
To their squalid hate and evil blind
Beyond that of human reality

And who are these to judge the sane
Except be liberal in their asylum crazed
Thrust against the righteous domain
Of truth and logic praised
In lies spewed forth from hate-filled spite
From the master of the evil past
With dreams of an Obama blight
Spreading cancerous sores so vast
Evil socialist, madness rages
Straight from the outer darkness
Bought and sold through the ages
As weakened minds feel no distress
So dare not show me your psychosis
Intolerant words of hate outdone
Scratched onto your mental diagnosis
Vote, you say. Vote for the Chosen One

From Hence Comes The Milk?

He staggered from his bed and crawled down the hallway
Dragging his ignorance and blatant bias to start a new day
The lies, the ignorance from the dark regions of his head
Came to fruition in his liberal dreams hatched in his bed

His head spun with a liberal ugly relentless hate
Toward any who dared to his chosen one berate
Like a cancer eating at his soft and morbid brain
With the hate and the ignorance he has gone insane

As he approached his bowl of anti-American gruel
He spat upon the flag and flushed in down the stool
Believing himself to be the keeper of all things true
He again sought the bennies he thought were overdue

He dreamed that wealth was his both free and clear
With Obama the promise of his fortune now so near
Why work when the Chosen One can bring you wealth
Happiness in this victimhood along with eternal health

He grieved not for those who had to work or even die
To get what he considered was his piece of the total pie
Like all the other morons of the liberal dumbass ilk
He knew not from the working cow comes his drinking milk

Your Utopia At Last!

Your words spin from your lips
In liberal haughtiness.
Fresh-plowed crap from liberal scripts.
For which you can’t confess.

You tip toe through reality
To spread your lies complete.
You have no feel for morality
In your lying liberal deceit.

Your jaundiced eyes gleam gleefully
For socialism’s chance to come
Redistribution of wealth most holy
So a lazy liberal can have some

As the One coos softly in your ears
And panders to your face
You’re happy to spread his lying smears
As long as he wins the race

He’ll care for your every need
And make the waters part
And if he really can’t do the deed
You can always smell his fart

He’ll bring you food in the day
And pay your bills at night
You’ll never again have to pray
Nor worry about what’s wrong or right

Imagine a world with nothing but love
No lies, no smears and nothing bad
Just relax and enjoy the One above
For He’s come to be your loving dad

A perfect man with a perfect plan
Your Utopia has just begun
There’s no one better for your land
Than the man they call the ONE

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Seeing The Light

Claiming to be an elite podunker all the time
He crowned himself great and in his prime
He wrote such junk in liars’ prose
Liberal hate which grows and grows

He defended the fraud that the voters had
Thought it ok and not that bad
He loved the One whom God did call
The name of the game is to win it all

His background was one of hate-filled bliss
Drinking the dregs from the One’s own piss
He dreamed of a time when decisions are made
By the One’s own men during the liberal crusade

He wanted to force all Americans to buy
The swill and hate in the liberal lie
The babies he murdered were nothing but trash
Sliced and diced to save some cash

His hatred of others who forced him to think
Brought him to the edge of sanity’s brink
He ranted and raved about what is right
Making believe he had seen the light

We’ve been told often of Satan’s delight
Of showing himself as a prophet of light
The dhimmi has seen the light for sure
‘Tis the light of Satan for the immature

The Soul That Bloats

Your saddened soul bloats out of control
Causing the ugly rants of one who hates
Anyone who opposes your socialist goal
Of destroying the nation called United States

You hate what’s right and are not afraid
To murder babies, the liberal crusade
How many times have you smiled and betrayed
The baby’s life by the executioner’s blade

You claim it’s spam when you don’t agree
But send it on when it’s a liberal plea
You cry out loud when your lies prove wrong
But refuse to admit you shouldn’t sing that song

You live in a world of make believe
Where right is wrong and up is down
You think you have the right to deceive
By words of hate you spread around

I’ve challenged you at least a hundred times
To send the proof with your words of hate
One would think you’d understand sometimes
That proof is needed when you’re in a debate

Your words are lies this I’ve proven before
Yet you repeat the same crap and sometimes more
All liberals lie like Al Gore, the whore
For a liberal like you, I’ll simply ignore

The Art Of Basking

The ignorance of truth defined him clear
Hate-filled sessions wreaked his brain
Liberal teachers forced his soul so dear
To accept their hatred and total disdain

His mouth formed words of callousness
Squeezed from his lungs of desperate sin
His throat on fire from liars’ stress
Shouted liberal words memorized within

Whenever the truth came riding in prose
He’d shut his eyes then run and hide
The liberal way was the path he chose
No facts of truth could change his stride

He claimed the truth was nothing but spam
Basing it on his sinful desires
The facts he always tried to slam
With BS words from other liars

He prostrated himself before the One
Spewing forth hate to those opposed
Once more his ignorance not outdone
Revealing the lies that were exposed

He claimed he did not have to respond
To the truth or even questions asked
By anyone who lived out beyond
Those who in the One’s light basked

The Hate-filled Bloated Kind

Is it lies or corruption that plays upon your mind?
Lost in the reality of the hate-filled bloated kind,
You drift into a sea of violence and intolerance on the way.
Your shame never reaches your brain each and every day.

You used to be a Christian but you let it slip away.
Winning, you say, is all that is important now today.
I wonder how tomorrow will change your point of view,
When the temperature of the heat rises just for you?

Lying is ok if it is done for the liberals and their way.
Killing kids and laughing is the message you send today.
The tragedy of your position will show in the mists of time
And your burning soul will falter as it sings a different rhyme.

Voter Fraud

He stands for hatred and the social end
Of the country of his birth
To everyone he meets, he speaks his ugly spin

All his words have lost their worth
In this his ignorant little game
But his words aren’t filled with mirth

Most of his words are all the same
As he hides from the truth he fears
It simply proves he’s lame

What he writes fills our eyes with tears
As he laughs so long and loud
When a voter magically appears

He seems so very proud
To be one of the liberal elite
Where thinking’s not allowed

Ahh, but he thinks its fine to cheat
As he fills out the voter sheet

Putrid Soul

Oh, putrid soul so drowned in hate and lies,
Cowering before the toes of the obamanation.
Your guilt leashed to the babies’ cries,
As you spew forth your lies and corruption.

Truth, if it be found, you stomp into the grass.
With knives and forks into their brains aghast,
Filling the crimson baby flood as you surpass
The ugly rants in this evil from your past.

A coward, craven leper casting fear from below,
Onto those who refuse to follow your evil bent.
The future of your way in the hellfire you will go.
The voices of the dead gives daily your torment.

Dance now, lover of deceit
For the end will define you: dead meat!

Truth Comes In A Flash

His darkened brain spewed out the lies, 
A shallow stream of ugly hateful blame,
Covering up with hate the hows and whys
Of sinful bliss in his liberal burning flame.

His mushed out strip of soft brain matter,
As slime secreted from his blood-shot eye,
Stumbled as it was accosted with a shatter,
While the clock slowly ticked his life by.

"I can't even defend the lies anymore.
Yet a liberal am I and I’ll carry on,
Ain't told no truth since I was twenty-four,
I’ll be a liberal ‘till I’m dead and gone."

Would be nice to think he was not insane,
When he spewed the crap each time.
A liberal liar lying with words so inane.
Such a shame about such a rotten crime!

Slowly relieving himself in his chair,
Turns his nose toward the steaming pile,
Wonders in his mush-brain, does he dare
Eat this crap even if it is vile?

Sliding his hand under the reeking turds,
Lowering himself slowly toward the stink,
"I guess since it is the same as my words,
Hellfire, no one said I had to think."

Just before his tongue touched the crap,
Bright lights flew past his window.
Startled by the light the crap fell in his lap,
"I'm hungry for the lies, don't you know?"

Then the front door flew open with a flash,
Stopping quickly his desire to eat the debris.
In the bright glare, stood Mother Teresa in her sash
Singing, "Truth is here for you, dear dhimmi."

"You best get up and clean up your chair,
Before you’re forced to eat that crap again!”
Then she and him sat down right there,
And from that day the lies he did refrain.

Humanity’s Tree

You have fallen from humanity’s tree
The socialist lie is your new home
No need to ask you why anyone can see
As you rest upon your socialist throne

The socialist scum all have your scent
Of lies and corruption in musty air
And when the money is all spent
You’ll celebrate because you don’t care

You have fallen from humanity’s tree
Your integrity no one can long address
No need to ask you why anyone can see
As you yield to the socialist caress

Among the the other fallen bums
You decorate the liar’s ground
A group of worthless lying scums
In raptured, glorious lies profound

You have fallen from humanity’s tree
Beneath the corrupted limbs you lie
No need to ask you why anyone can see
No need to ask you why as you won’t reply

Go Inside

If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend
If you’re not, run away and quickly leave
He won’t like you, he wants to see your end
If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend
Share with him your hatred, he will condescend
If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend.
Listen to his garbage and then believe
If you’re a liar, go inside and be his friend
If you’re not, be prepared for his hatred to receive

Make Believe

A liberal in this world
A fool in make believe
Tis but a fairy tale
Of corruption to deceive

A lie within your heart
May be closer to the truth
Than anything I say
Concerning your lost youth

You believe in your own greatness
You think this is really true
But a podunker looking stupid
Is the best that you can do

Your podunk life once more proves
From the silence you send to me
You have blank cells in your head
Any fool can easily see

Your foot lives in your mouth
From all the lies that you have spread
The truth treats you unkind
So it doesn’t matter what you said

You spin your hate-filled rants
And try to make believe
Liberals are all the rage
But once more you self-deceive

Send An Email

Send an email
With words real

Say something other
Than how you feel

Create a vision from the truth
With logic thought

Sketch a picture not a lie
Not your DNC snot

Build a concept that
Does not lie

Sing a song so
Babes don’t die

Dance the dance of
A Christian soul

Give me truth and
not black coal

Make it right right
And not left wrong

Keep the faith
and keep it strong

Give me the beauty
Not leftist props

Don’t let ole’ Satan
Bust your chops

Pray the truth you can see
Don’t send me junk or bother me
For I am right and always free

Going Cold Silence

There once was a liberal who loved to hate,
Spewing forth hatred until very late.

So busy with hate, smears and such,
The truth it came but he did not touch.

When at his computer he often wrote,
Ugly, stupid lies to his brother remote.

When the truth came out, cold silence he’d go,
Hoping for more of that Obama glow.

His mouth was silence as he ran away
A man he wasn’t, that’s easy to say.

Outside in the dark as the truth he faced,
It’s a lie, it’s a lie, he loudly grimaced.

But the truth stood firmly against these lies,
As the liberal cried out his lies to revise.

As the liberal denied the lies that he’d spread,
A bolt of lightning hit him dead in the head.

The moral of this story as you already expect,
Is for liberals to stop lying and show truth respect.

Monday, October 6, 2008

On Digital Air

Your empty words float on digital air
Buoyed by hate, greed and lies so bad
All written with liberal smearing care
Proving once more your soul’s so sad

I write these words in the morning light
Singeing your hate with perfect bliss
Opening with truth your darkened night
One only a liberal would care to miss

At times I write in such a brilliant way
The truth now totally in control
Saying things I am forced to say
From way down deep inside my soul

My poems respond to your hate-filled heart
Sharing the truth with passionate grace
Of hard-core logic mixed with rhyming art
Truth right there in your podunk face

I write of things you know nothing about
Logical excursions of right and wrong
Of true love and respect you’re now without
In that club of silence you now belong

Hour by hour as time goes by
I write the truth to a brother lost
Since he never asks the reasons why
He’ll never understand the final cost

The liberal way is no way at all
Just fools wandering along a backward path
No reason, no rhyme, destined to fall
The fruit at the end is God’s holy wrath

Send Me

Tell me again how great your pen,
Articles sold and read by men.
Tell me again about your greatest ,
or was this just one of your latest?

Send me once again your brilliant prose,
Or are there problems trying to compose?
Show me I’m wrong in what I say,
Or put it off for another day

The trash you write you don’t remember.
What do you call it, The Audacity of Slumber?
Why not admit you can’t write a lick,
Except for liberals who are greedy and sick.

Write some prose without the smell

Of the liberal crap you’re trying to sell.
Convince me you’re not a brainless boob
Growing up as a podunk rube.

Send an email with logic verse
Not simpleton feelings or something worse
Give me sense that you’re educated and smart
with ideas that resound in an American’s heart

Visualize something more than hate.
Don’t send me rumors or things half-baked.
Present me with facts along with your lines,
Or admit you’re an idiot, a liberal with blinds.

Between Passion And Fashion

You follow a path that leads you through
lies and deceit where nothing is true.
Sacred hate alternates between passion
and a desire to follow the liberal fashion

Walking among the dying embers of a fire gone cold;
stepping over the bodies of the lies you’ve told;
believing your own filth as if it were true.
Now you’re adrift in a world gone askew

Theirs a fork up ahead where you could get off.
A great way to redemption but you’ll just scoff.
A liberal’s a waste of humanity’s flesh.
Proof once more - execute now and you know the rest.

The Foulest Fruit

Oh, liberal, you are the foulest fruit
No one dare to dispute
Your love of hate
And the lies you create

You make me sad, you make me old
A heart so cold
Liar for the Chosen One
You have yourself really outdone

I’m sure you’re happy in your lying scheme
The end of America it is your dream
These words I write are true
Hope they do offend you

Asleep With The Sheep

Are you using your brain or is it asleep?
Asleep? Well, do you mind if I awaken it?
Care for a little logical thought?
Or is it something you won’t admit?

Has your brain been asleep for long?
Seems its a bit muddled and drowsy right now.
Should I come back to show you the truth?
What! It’s something your brain won’t allow!

Have you been in this stupor before?
No, I never allow my brain to fall asleep.
Could I get you something to help you awake?
Seems kind of funny you being such a sheep.

Since you’re a liberal and sheep to boot,
How does it feel to be told what to say?
Your brain is a sleep and you are a sheep,
Seems kind of sad to live that way.

You sure are a dunce to believe what Obama says.
Is it because you’re a sheep or your sleeping brain?
Let’s sit down and see what the Chosen one said
Look at his speeches and the words they contain.

What did you say? Your brain is asleep and will not awake
You love being a sheep and believing in lies.
Yep, I do believe you are really a sheep on pills
A sheep is a sheep, this a liberal cannot disguise!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Unanswerably Explicit

The emails come too fast to track
Evidence piles up against my back
Most of the stuff I cannot read
My basic vocabulary it does exceed

Unanswerably explicit words of facts
What must I do to thwart the attacks
I’ll follow what the messiah commands
Run, liberal , run and wring my hands

On Election Day

What shall I say of the Chosen One
His oratory skills are everywhere known
Inspired and stirred by the breath of creation
Headed to his long overdue throne
He bares his soul to the admiring crowd
As he strains to see the election day polls
I watch him sit down with his eyes so proud
When shall we celebrate what everyone knows

All incoming polls he sees in a quick glance
His eyes sweep back and forth as in disbelief
How can this be? He never had a chance
The Chosen One screamed looking for relief
McCain did not just win but in a landslide
From California to Maine the votes are all in
It’s McCain by a bunch this can’t be denied
The Chosen One is toast, enough said - the end

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Deeply Seated Emotion

The hate, at first weak and diffuse
Throbs deeply each and every morn
Striving to come out, needs an excuse
A deeply seated emotion closely worn
Creeping into the hallways of the heart
Can’t separate it, can’t keep it apart

The liberals all live with this emotional threat
Hatred toward themselves and their great land
Finding the excuse without a single regret
They all attack in unison as if by command
She lives the American myth, we can’t abide
We must stop the rising evil Palin tide

Row upon row the liberals send out their hacks
Find us something to stop this rising brilliant star
Change the truth and, if you must, all the facts
Attack her, attack her! find something that will scar
Our Chosen One has slipped in the recent polls
We must, we must if we are to reach our evil goals

Although they tried to find the scandals new
Ms. Palin walked along the path that made her right
Not a single scandal could be found that was true
The hate in each expanded as did their fright
America is ugly and evil not as Sarah stated
She lives in a myth and should not even be rated

Next January all the liberals will be bawlin’
It’s President McCain and VP Sarah Palin

At The Liar’s Gate

Walking by the liar’s gate
You talk, sending forth another lie
Spewing it out filled with hate
Telling me the truth you won’t reply
I knew before, I felt the chill
An icy coldness as a stone
Assuring me with your liar’s skill
We’re now in the stone cold silence zone
You pass the hate-filled lie to me
I prove deceit, truth in it finds no room
It brings to mind your silly reality
Fiery hate in full bloom
Frolicking on the slippery slide
As you tumble, withering at the liar’s gate
You cry in vain and tell me how I lied
That you, in your list of lies, do not hate
With words that I've seen coming
It's over ~ there'll be no words from you
Your fists clench, the hate explodes in your plumbing
The stone cold silence means what I say is true

Fleeting Glimpses

As his polls dropped quickly and hit the ground
A cold shiver ran down his spine
Bound to the lies by the liberal curse
The Chosen One did not feel so divine

His mind breaks down and he loses control
Each moment, each thought trying to save
The fleeting glimpse of his victorious dream
Of the power he and his masters so crave

The shadows of Sarah now haunt his thoughts
Like a temptress materialized
Beauty unleashed to stop his lust
As her presence keeps him hypnotized

His speaking gaffes increased ten-fold
As her magic held him spellbound
Fright's burning heat showed in his hate
As she won round after round

His dark skin glistened still dripping sweat
From the hate boiling up in his gut
This lovely mother's winning the fight
As he yelled and yelled  “ You slut!”

But Sarah kept smiling as she always does
Gleaming love from her very soul
Speaking words of truth and factuality
Forcing the liberals to lose control

Their hate-filled rants could be heard all day
Bubbling up from their fright-filled pain
Their bodies wreathed and shook in despair
As their mouths and lips went insane

Spitting and cussing, red-faced with hate
They consumed their kool-aid drink
Their words of hate clawed at Sarah’s face
In hopes that her career they’d sink

Frantically thrusting lies upon lies
Hatred taken to another plain
Smears and lies in search of a way
To destroy this mother’s campaign

As each day ends and the darkness falls
Americans see who the Chosen One is
A Chicago thug borne of hate and greed
As all the hate-filled attacks were his

What Can A Liberal Do

What can a liberal do
But lie, then lie . . and run
Away from that which is true
Covering the lies he’s done
With a rationalization
As if the devil’s creation

So you are on the run again
Away from that which is true
Leaving behind a realization
That lying is what you do
Liberals and lies entwined
The perfect bond defined

Running is not escaping
Cowards run, heroes escape
As both the future’s shaping
For you by a liberal ape
For a hero by his own will
Only one represents the real

So you once again go silent
Like a stone as cold as ice
Assisting in your descent
As again you pay the price
Of liberalism - hate and lies
Ahh, but this comes as no surprise

In A Liberal Tree

A monkey sat in a liberal tree
Thinking of things as they ought to be.
Said he to his followers: “Look at me
I am the Chosen One, can’t you see?”

“I’ll lead you to the promised land
Just vote for me and join my band.
We’ll go together so I can command
A bunch of Marxists, won’t that be grand!”

This monkey he talked a really great game
With a voice so clear he gained some fame.
He preached hate lies and gave the blame
On that evil Bush he did proclaim.

As time passed by and with the lies he spread,
The faithful grew, eating it up like buttered bread.
The monkey was arrogant as he moved ahead.
The followers listened carefully to all he said.

For the monkey in the liberal tree,
Things were going just marvelously.
The media repeated his lies for free,
So he said he could win, a guarantee.

But then from the north a mother came,
Speaking the truth about his game.
He’s only a monkey, dumb and lame,
Spreading great lies, an awful shame.

A monkey sat in a liberal tree
Thinking of things as they ought to be
If you look closely, you will see
Just another liberal like Pelosi

The Liars’ Chair

In lying words you know your place,
for the sake of the liars’ chair.
Upon your knees you often face,
the lies that fill the air.

How did you feel to hear the lie,
About Sarah’s baby Trig?
Did you not care, did you not cry?
Or was it you who danced the jig?

As the truth arrived from way up north,
Did your stomach churn and ache?
As you watched her walk back and forth,
Did you think it was just fake?

As the words came out of your monkey clown
Did you think he couldn’t be outdone?
A Republican from a podunk town,
Is no threat to the Chosen One.

Now here we are in early fall,
And your monkey’s lost his shine.
Does fear now lurk in your abdominal wall
As your monkey falls far behind?

He’ll lose come that November day,
When Americans turn out to vote.
For monkeys from Chicago way
All suffer from the liars’ bloat.

The Nice Silk Suit

The fear creeps in to those who lied
As the Chosen One seeks his throne
The shaking cries of those who tried
To dig trash in Sarah’s Alaska home

A thousand times they tried to find
Something to stop her run
Lying writers - hounds of hell refined
There work for scandals fun

The Chosen One now full of doubt
Continues on with his throne pursuit
A pig’s a pig he yells real loud
A monkey in a nice silk suit

Glistening Steel

His lies sailed
from his evil schemes
from things already failed
but still he dreams, still he dreams

His hate-filled heart
as cold as glistening steel
refused to see the truth depart
continue to conceal, continue to conceal

He never saw her
from the north state coming
with a smile and great demeanor
excitement humming, excitement humming

He held his tears
in hopes of finding wrong
but louder and louder grew the cheers
where is my great throng, where is my great throng

As polls began to sink
like the sun in the eastern sky
find evil smears and spread around a stink
brand her with an evil lie, brand her with an evil lie

Memories bring us back
To the year of the Obama run
the more he lied the quicker he lost the attack
Sarah Palin has just begun, Sarah Palin has just begun

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Dense Dull Dude

Little Dhimmi was a dense dull dude
Who’ d ignore the truthful descriptions
Of his liberal concepts rude and crude
To maintain his evil political convictions

He’d clench his jaws and squint his eyes
For hours and hours and maybe more
Then follow that with more liberal lies
Of hate-filled liberal smears galore
He yelled, screamed and beat his chest
Screeching loudly at those he opposed
In angry words the truth he did protest
Till in the end his sorry soul exposed

He yelled out loud his ignorance gained
From reading only liberal things
This lack of knowledge unconstrained
Do liberal hate and sorrow bring

He kicked his feet high in the air
And spewed his hate across the land
When John chose Sarah he did declare
His hate-filled feelings to expand

He never liked the American way
Of family values and those who serve
Thus he fumed and cursed the very day
of Sarah’s choice, what evil nerve

So what will happen on election day
For the liberal hate-filled lying scum
Who spent their days in such foul play
As John gets the White House plum

If happy endings could be bought
I’d buy one for this evil bunch
A happy ending for this plot?
Deport or execute all by lunch

say bye bye

crisp lib fear
as they smear
Sarah’s speaks
new techniques

increasing hate
this debate
hot lib air
in despair

send a lie
let it fly
hope it sticks
just for kicks

days to go
OB’s woe
dead meat out
no more clout

race card play
will not sway
waste of time
still a crime

new day’s here
live in fear
OB’s dreams
just dumb schemes

libs will cry
say bye bye
Sarah’s in
as we win

A Bit Flabbergasted

“No way!” he gasped and fell to his knees
As he gasped at the news and what he’d heard.
It came like a bolt from out of the blue
Delivered on Friday in one loud word

He never saw it coming
You could see it in his eyes.
When Sarah’s name was mentioned
It had taken him by surprise.

His eyes bugged out, his voice went flat
His jaw dropped to the floor.
He had that look of a man
Who was not happy anymore

Obama looked aghast,
Astonished and astounded,
Stupefied, amazed,
Bedazzled and dumbfounded.

To say that he was thunderstruck,
Does not give the right impression.
Obama showed fear with tears in his eyes.
Thunderstruck with fear is the right expression.

We are talking big time thunderstruck,
As well as struck by lightning.
The look of shock that filled his face
Was absolutely frightening.

What knocked his socks off, bowled him over?
Her first name’s Sarah for a little clue.
Can you imagine how he felt
Now that he was in such a stew?

But there he stood for a long, long while
Seeing his dream of a Socialist America blasted
And destroyed by a redneck from Alaska.
Yes, I’d say he was a bit flabbergasted!

My Unspoken Thoughts

When Obama lies like he always will,
My unspoken thoughts turn to you.
No other words but lies come still
From Little Dhimmi hating what’s true.

My unspoken thoughts find their perfect place,
Disrespecting your hate-filled words so light.
I guarantee my thoughts don't disgrace
The truth that I live for as its always right.

My guess is now you’re way up north,
Looking for trash to show your hate
To smear Ms. Sarah for all you’re worth,
Hoping Obama will win the debate.

The trash and rumors you liberals have made,
Helped Sarah become the most famous by far.
Obama is toast so he’s very afraid,
He’s calling her names so very bizarre.

As time goes by and we begin to vote,
Will you watch him cry as he loses the race?
You liberals will lose, this is not remote,
The Chosen One’s a phony, a big disgrace.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I challenge you now to provide proof once more
You run away but yours lies still are on floor 
Animosity and lies converted to a stream 
Leaving your mouth in a dirty scream 

Your mouth does lie, no truth to spill 
Your lies and smears are making me ill 
Eyes fluttering in hate, waiting for the lies to spread 
Souls broken by lies even as the lies fall dead

“Republican leaning official” of the RNC did balk
For John simply can’t talk
Hell has a special place for those who tell lies
About someone they so vehemently despise

I challenge you now to provide proof once more
Or you can run away just as before
The surge, the economy, and others you ignore
Ahhh, you must be a political whore

A Podunk Old Man

In a small town lives a grumpy old man
A liar who grumbles and gripes
A low-life scum of the liberal clan
Against the truth he lies and snipes

Of course, it’s no surprise in this town
His neighbors about him are divided
Since he’s old and crotchety most just frown
But for the others he is cussed and chided

Hateful and ugly a hundred times ten
All he sees is failure and evil in this land
Since Bush was elected again
Impeach, impeach he did demand

This was a man who had told many lies
But in his eye he had never been wrong
A ridiculous liberal with dumb in his eyes
Easily conned into singing the Obama song

His hatred for truth and the American way
Could be seen in the emails he sent to his brother
The war is lost and the economy’s gone he’d say
The worst of the worst Bush like no other

Blinded by hate to the surge’s great effect
Denying it again and again for all to hear
Only this idiot repeats the lies on this subject
Everyone else disagrees for truth they do fear

But truth to this clown is what he maintains
Makes no difference the facts that he faces
He is clueless proving he’s without brains
For such a corrupt toad like Obama he embraces

Fun And Games

Fun and games coming soon
Lie-filled rhetoric for everyone
Slanders from the liberal baboon
Looking for lies and not in fun

Lying faces, blinking eyes
Sense of hate, desperate sighs
Talk of Katrina and its lies
Teleprompters no surprise

Spend your day to rationalize
Obama’s a joke get ready to cry
Practice hard for his demise
Trust your heart, never ask why

The issues don’t address
Your lies never confess
Seek the truth from your plight
Fill your dark with the light

Fun and games coming soon
Lie-filled rhetoric for everyone
Slanders from the liberal baboon
Looking for lies and not in fun

Lying faces, blinking eyes
Sense of hate, desperate sighs
Talk of Katrina and its lies
Teleprompters no surprise

Spend your day to rationalize
Obama’s a joke get ready to cry
Practice hard for his demise
Trust your heart, never ask why

The issues don’t address
Your lies never confess
Seek the truth from your plight
Fill your dark with the light

Evil, Cynical, Ugly Speech

Words of hate drip from your lips
Your eyes flash with hateful fire
You feel this hate rise as Sarah rips
With truth the ideas you admire

Your hate dictates your every move
Evil, cynical, ugly speech
Repeating what you can’t prove
Each word a lie by what you preach

Your self-proclaimed tolerances disappear
And in their place comes nothing but hate
As an evil rhythm chills your soul in fear
This is the dying dance of a liberal retrobate

And when this dance ends
You praise God for the hurricane
Bearing down on New Orleans
In hopes to spread Katrina lies again

You know inside your lies are that
Yet you spread them without care
Your tolerance for others just fell flat
As you spew your harsh smears in despair

Evil, Cynical, Ugly Speech

Words of hate drip from your lips
Your eyes flash with hateful fire
You feel this hate rise as Sarah rips
With truth the ideas you admire

Your hate dictates your every move
Evil, cynical, ugly speech
Repeating what you can’t prove
Each word a lie by what you preach

Your self-proclaimed tolerances disappear
And in their place comes nothing but hate
As an evil rhythm chills your soul in fear
This is the dying dance of a liberal retrobate

And when this dance ends
You praise God for the hurricane
Bearing down on New Orleans
In hopes to spread Katrina lies again

You know inside your lies are that
Yet you spread them without care
Your tolerance for others just fell flat
As you spew your harsh smears in despair

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah The Barracuda

Oh, liberal your lying lips
Are tensed to spread your ugly scripts

Against Ms. Sarah on this her day
Bright accolades will fade away
To lies of hate in liberal display
Along their ceaseless evil way
The liberals talk words of decay
We’re in a recession so they say
Against the economics of the day
We all must sit around and pray
For all to forgive our American way
Sarah can’t help McCain today
So go on home and to us obey

A barracuda quickly strips
The lies apart as she easily rips
Anyone who in Obama worships

Tomorrow Morn By Light

I sit and watch the liberals play
With hate-filled fantasies of yesterday
Fade into the reality of today
Their world just crashed into decay

Their days are filled with things not true
Building their hate for Sarah so new
They’re searching for lies to pursue
To slam her life on her debut

By sunrise tomorrow morn by light
Their hate-filled lies will be in sight
They’ll call her a redneck not so bright
A mother abandoning her children’s plight

The facts of her greatness they’ll deny
And continue their whine and tearful cry
She’s only a token, an ugly political lie
They’ll scream and yell in their reply

But life goes on as I sit and smile
At the liberals’ hate and bitter vile
There nothing as funny or more worthwhile
As watching the liberals act infantile

Exploding Heads

So in the end John picked Sarah.
The Moonbats heads explode.
Hillary’s face drips with mascara,
As it crashes into the glass commode.

A token! A token! They in unison shout.
A female token, a Republican fake.
Never mind what Obama’s about,
Just shout the lines for heaven’s sake!

She’s not experienced enough to be
The Commander in Chief or the President.
An interesting comment we must agree,
From those who buy Obama’s ascent. 

Alzheimers Or Gullibility

In the sea of gullibility
The none teleprompter rolls
A device filled with culpability
For a podunker’s lying woes

Alzheimers enters his mind
He floats in another dimension
His lies have simply left him behind
While trying to reach a new horizon

His mind and body have left reality
No longer concerned with what is true
As his mind toys with abnormality
What can I say, what can I do?

His mind roams up in the sky
As he embraces spiritual gullibility
Buying into the Obama lie
Alzheimers rules with ruthless inflexibility

As his journey comes to an end
His body, mind and soul have become
Trash to be placed in the rubbish bin
As he faces who in November won

The Solitary Void

The Little Dhimmi inhabits an ugly, sinister, solitary void
One where hate is adopted and logic destroyed
He is wrong! As wrong as Obama is the new messiah
He represents what it means to be a hate-filled Jeremiah
I laugh at his ignorance as he stands and stares at the sun
For in his hate and his lies his whole life comes undone
Yet I feel for Little Dhimmi as he sits in the rain
Praying that the liberal socialist utopia will remain
He has lived the lie of liberalism most of his life
I have seen it from a distance as it causes him strife
I often wonder to myself when he’ll see this dumb schlock
A soul tormented as reality passes him by like an aging clock
The reason I write this is simple and true
Little Dhimmi’s my brother so what can I do
The truth is important for all who would seek
But a brother is special so why is he so weak
I’ll stand by my brother knowing he’s not in the light
Loyalty is hoping that tomorrow he’ll wake from his night

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Convention Lament

The convention is over, the libs have gone away
Now you sit in front of your TV wondering in dismay
Why is Obama behind with all this money spent?
Your convention was a joke so go ahead and lament

I don’t know what you expected to find
Must be the liberal part of your feeble mind
Obama’s a joke, a socialist who never had a prayer
Just watch from your living room, in your favorite chair

Come November I’m sure, your eyes will grow wide
The first thing you’ll realize is there’s no place to hide
You and your liberal Democrats have just been had
By a socialist American hater someone really bad

From the depths of his hatred he touched your heart string
Repeating the lies you believed and were eager to sing
A smile on his face, soothing sounds from his face
And you thought he was Jesus from a different race

What happened to your liberal wonderland
The liberal utopia or something more grand
It was a joke not a dream that you followed him for
He was a product of Chicago, a political whore

The liberal’s an idiot, a child full of crap
Easily conned by such a Chicago sap
No gold can be paid to change this fate
Alas, for you, it will be lost on your hate

Dearly Ignorant

So ignorant and yet so dear
On your thoughts that’s how I feel
A liberal has no moral fear
He’s neither helpful nor sincere

I write this poem today
Addressing emotion and my care
About the lies you send my way
I simply don’t know what to say

Frustrations overwhelm me
As I ponder the words to this poem
Am I wrong or can’t you see
Barack Obama, who is he?

A stranger not too long ago
A smoother talker that’s for sure
But you’re voting for one you don’t know
Is he real or is he just for show?

The ads that McCain has shown
Are they lies or are they truth?
You are voting for the unknown
This really makes me stop and groan

What’s more important in your heart
A true hero who has walked to talk
Or an America constantly pulled apart
By lies and crap you liberals do impart?

As I sit and write this brilliant verse
I remember all the lies you’ve sent
As if you need the lies to reverse
The love you’ve shown for things perverse

Again I ask this question true
Why lie about the things you disagree
Hate by itself is but a witch’s brew
Of lies you’ve decided to pursue

Obama will lose his quest for sure
He lies and says the things you like
But I worry about how you will endure
As the White House McCain does secure

The Reality of America

I gazed at my screen, what did I see?
Another liberal lie addressed to me.
The lie comes forward as if floating on air
One moment a blank, then it’s right there!

Pausing a moment to slow down my fright,
I see my brother’s name in plain sight.
It’s quite strange; his lies so obvious as before.
Could it be he doesn’t know he’s a bore?

If not, he’s deluded with rage way too much.
This obviously makes him totally out of touch.
The reality of American is simple but hard,
“Americans are conservative,” thus says this Bard.

There is such a thing as morality after all,
For everyone who thinks he’ll not fall.
My brilliant analysis of the facts in this case
Tells me for sure this is not about race.

All kinds of crap the liberals spew out
But race is not what this contest’s about.
Americans are not stupid nor lame as ducks,
It’s about reality and some mighty big bucks.
All kinds of weird and strange hateful critters,
Now stand with the liberals, it gives me the jitters!
Some are terrorists who don’t care about laws,
Others are socialists, just pursuing their cause.

Watching todays’ liberals is like turning a stone
A darkened den where the sun’s never shone.
We all know in an instant the truth’s big light,
Will scare all these critters and put them to flight!
A liberal, you see, can’t stand the light of the day,
Without lying about it and then running away.
 The truth is too much for these imbeciles to see,
So come November they will lose, I guarantee!

The Dhimmicrats Convention

The old lies linger, liberals stare
Into the lights in hopes the truth to impair.
Whines streak from their lips worn bare
From kissing ass and the big fanfare.

The truth still stands but they don’t care,
Obama the Messiah will lead to somewhere.
They dance and gag themselves in prayer
For the vomit and lies they plan to share.

These lies now appear to be threadbare,
Ignorant words of hate beyond compare.
Yet here we are once more; forced to bare,
The liars in their Denver TV love affair.

Now here is Hillary on the stage to declare
Her love of Obama and his campaign dare.
Filling the room with her own bloatware,
As the hate in her eyes makes her nostrils flare.

There’s something strange in all this fanfare,
No poll bounce for Obama in the coming warfare.
The polls are equal or John’s ahead a bit to spare.
Could it be that 2008 will be the liberals’ big nightmare?

The Crown

Wish I
Knew why
Each day you lie
And then deny

Spin and spew
Without a clue
The lies anew
Cast by you

Lies so wrong
Yet go along
Proof so strong
Lies don’t belong

Words of ease
No expertise
Just to appease
Those who seize

You liberals know
It’s just for show
When you bestow
The crown on O

My Evening Spent In Frivolity

A lie you sent one dark summer’s night
I read it just to see
What liberal crap you think is right
Just you, the lie and me

The lie you sent with envy
While wishing it were true
Proved once more you’re not free
From the hate from which it grew

The falling polls were songs of truth
From the lies the liberals told
It didn’t matter aged or youth
These songs were going gold

My evening spend in frivolity
Reading the crap you sent
Shows us the liberal stupidity
And the current liberal lament

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Old As Time

This story is as old as time
So I decided to give it rhyme
No truth has ever a liberal stated
Oil and water have never mated

For each time liberals speak
I’m amazed at their technique
Of double-talk and nuanced word
In lying attacks on issues blurred

Passionate hate is their melody
They sing it in evil harmony
A hate so gross it defies the mind
Of we who are part of human kind

The liberals crave the halls of power
To force us all to kneel and cower
Mere mortals we have no right to choose
As these great pretenders our rights abuse

This story is really as old as time
The liberals reek of hate and slime
But alas for them the truth will beat
Their lying words and evil deceit

No way a liberal will ever force
My mind to accept their liar’s course
I stand for justice and truth for all
No matter where the chips may fall

There Is A Place

There is a place where lies run free
A place filled with hate and jealousy
Liberal lies deluge one’s mind
And cause this place with reality to intertwine

As I watch this place of ugly dreams
With its lies and liberal schemes
I think of all the awful harm
This place has caused with much alarm

I’ve fought against the lying flow
That rushes out of this place so low
Each day I see this reality
And am greeted by its immorality

Joe Schmoe

Hussein picks Joe the Schmoe
As a mate for the political show
Joe steals words as we all know
But will this help polls to grow

My Poetry Is True

I know my poetry is true
It’s pressing and it’s new
I know my poetry will last
As it covers the liberal cast
The common truth, the logic tongue
Binds all the verses in lovely song
Then if by luck or truthful spell
Sounds of my verse makes you tell
At last, the truth, you have found
No more pounding of the ground

Never Trust A Liberal

A liberal stood before me
A liar through and through
So hateful were his comments
I knew they were all untrue

But how do you tell a fool
His beliefs are filled with holes
How do you change the minds
Of people who have no souls

How dare these liars accuse
All those they do so hate
Of racism and hypocrisy
And then refuse a real debate

I am an honest thinker
And try to speak what’s true
But it is rather ridiculous
The lies I’ve read from you

All liberals I have known
Follow this liberal way
They must think we are dumb
Not to believe what they all say

All liberals end up lying
Such a fact is easily seen
If you doubt this factual statement
Just ask them what they mean

When a socialist comes a courting
And lies about his wares
Just ask him what he’s selling
And watch him put on airs

For a liberal is a liar
This truth I can attest
Just ask him what he is saying
Then watch his big protest

There is no such thing as honesty
In the heart of those who lie
So never trust a liberal
Just say a quick goodbye

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Breath Of Truth

O when will the breath of truth cause your mind to glow?
There to remain forever beyond the days
Of your childish liberal madness: I really want to know.
Reach now for the truth to set your soul ablaze
With the full redemption of your blighted soul,
To a life that burns in truth and bright extol.
The truth is there so reach beyond your dreams thereof
And capture it, adore it and cherish it with love.
But, alas, I fear your hate-filled heart beckons you along
That road you’ve followed and proven to be so wrong.
You use the sad excuse that fairness is your goal,
But in your lies you abuse the fairness you extol
By smearing all those you so violently oppose.
Even as the lies you tell rapidly decompose,
You live a life of hate, guaranteed not a time to reform
The end results nor the slowing the upcoming storm.

My Private Freedom Zone

Lying scum in a relative sea
You don’t have to lie to me
Your morality is but a distant song

Lying liberals on their knees
Never thinking rationally
You just want to lie all day long

To think the truth alone
Impossible in your liberal zone
Your very own morality trap
Abusing others with your crap

You won’t see me backtrack
Like a liberal’s personal attack
Smearing with thin skin

You see, liberal, I am free
Free from PC crap officially
Much to your own chagrin

Save your up-chucked lies for freaks
Who follow Obama as he speaks
He will rock them all to sleep

As he confirms their final desire
To live in a stupid socialist mire
With no time for them to weep

So again I dine alone
In my private freedom zone
And watch you clowns in your traps
Enjoying the liberal philosophy collapse

Friday, August 22, 2008

Grains Of Lies

As I read your latest ridiculous lie
Clouds of summer drift on by
The grains of time pass through your hand
Grains of lies not the golden sand

I read your words as from the shore
Of the lake of fire you probably adore
You call me dumb, an ignorant man
But, alas, you remain the charlatan

Shallow thoughts drowned in hate
Prevent you from joining the debate
Lies you tell sour overhead
The bright truth I have said

Sculpting nonsense from your lies
You collect them as if they were flies
As for me this just maybe
The best year for my reverie

A Wonderful Method

Upon my mac screen it can be seen
Your slimy lies bursting with hate
The Obama messiah, a joke so green
With nothing to show in an easy debate

Your lies all arrive late at night
Stupid and ignorant anyone knows
For me with truth is a common sight
But for you its the length of your nose

Early each morning just around dawn
I read your crap as I am forced to yawn
You send the same lies in just the same way
What a wonderful method to start by day

Suspension Of Reality

The suspension of reality describes your belief
To relieve a hate-fill inner soul of liberal sorrow
For nurturing the evil you provide for human grief
The baby is human today and tomorrow

Liars! What are the reasons for your lies
Do you offer comfort to the lying prose
Written against those you always oppose
Or do they feed your hate in gold disguise

The words you send have responsibility
No matter what their reason may be
It’s on your head to provide proof free
Evidence given to the best of your ability

This makes all liberals quite vulnerable
As liberals lie freely to justify their belief
That they are the elite to bring relief
From the evil conservatives so predictable

With words there comes responsibility
You have in your hand your life’s end
There is a great weight for a writer to send
The truth and the honest without hostility

Offering only lies and hateful insults
You create nothing but an ugly attack
When proven a lie you quickly backtrack
Such is the life of a liberal and its results

You believe there is no reason and it is dumb
To what society has deemed good or bad
Your opinion is held as as the rule of thumb
Leaving liberals like you discouraged and sad

But guess what dumb liberal there is such a thing
As universal good and universal bad
Your moral relativism is wrong, you’ve been had
By Satan himself in what this does bring

For many liberals have lost in the battle for good
By believing such crap from the depths of hell
For these it’s to late to even say farewell
So change your position from where you once stood

The Face Smash

Startled by the truth smashing into your face.
Cicadas and crickets still continue their summer song
As rivers plunge upon rocks at a rapid pace.
Why then are you startled by the truth that comes along?

Could it be the mist of lies you look at all your day?
Misty drops heavy with the hate and spite you say.
Each time it opens your mouth spews out the lies again
Emerging into the world you want but cannot gain.

In sulking irrational tones your lies invade
The reality of truth and honor as they fade
As time draws near with your lies in full bloom
Dear brother, see not your swift impending doom?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Satan Brand

If in one of your liberal dreams, you too could face
The lies you liberals have flung at what’s true
And watch as each and every one loses its place
Then begins the glorious redemption of you

But, alas, liberals do not dream that which is true
Elites they are and know for sure what’s good for all
Oppose them dare and the lies come hard on you
With hate-filled lies and smears you can’t forestall

But if you stand upon the truth against these demons great
They’ll wither up, validating the truth on which you stand
Be sure to watch their eyes tear up in this your great debate
For liberals are all liars in the mold of the Satan Brand

Friday, August 15, 2008

Gently Floating

Blatant lies so white so black in reds
Gently floating o’er their liberal heads
Truth comes out and kisses their faces
Burned crisp from rage, their disgraces

Lying words still sway and dance
In minds transformed in elegance
While their master cast in infinite light
Leads them into the darkened night

Ah, but the truth still burns their desire
To have it stopped or at least expire
As their living lies come to life
With each round of hate and strife

Their lying legacy will long be dust
When John into the oval office thrust
And I will laugh at my brother’s pain
Of liberal grief and loud refrain

For liberals deserve not pity nor care
Their hate-filled lies did fill the air
For eight long years of Bush’s reign
We sat and listened to them complain

Hoping Against Hope

Another lie by the Dhimmi was born
Leaving again the truth unworn
How often is truth lost and set adrift
By a clown in pajamas not so swift

Just a twisted conception coming on slow
Because the liberals told him it was so
Almost a robotic response to what’s true
Listen and you will hear truth bid adieu

A flicker of light now fades in the dark
Now its as black as the night right on its mark
The lies told so openly bring regret and pain
Except to dumb Dhimmi silent stones remain

The lies get even louder as no one is humble
Afraid he’ll get busted causing him to stumble
Void of the truth and leery of falling
This liberal dork ignores his heart’s calling

Doomed from the start, the lie now has died
Leaving him empty, but the truth still denied
Caring not the truth he points to the sky
And scratches his ass as he gives not a reply

A new lie is hatched inside his dreams
He’ll spread it again or so it seems
Lies are his wine and gives him a spark
An instant in time before it turns dark

One day like tomorrow, when I’m not sure
He’ll wake up and find the truth that is pure
I admit I am hoping against hope
As he is my brother even if a dope

Humanity’s Scourge

Like maggots wallowing in their filth, here and there
Liberals spew their venom and hatred in the air
Your words in emails come forth to show
A liberal’s mind is placid, refusing to grow

You shout and rant, jumping up and down
To show you’re right, you offensive clown
As the truth hits your fan of hate
All you do is cry and roller skate

Like rotted stems on poison oak
You spread the lies of this Obama joke
He flips and flops for Olympic gold
And wins outright as truths unfold

Seeking hatred above what is right
You do not lag in liar’s delight
Just like a skunk who’s spewed his smell
You still cling to all the lies you tell

Why not admit that you could be wrong
Instead of yelling your hate so strong
You were wrong about the surge
So why become humanity’s scourge

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Chosen One

Obama is the Chosen One
Predicted by the ancient scribes
Listen to his warming vibes
The changes have just begun

But something’s wrong in disney land
The people ask why is he lying
On programs he said he’d be trying
Guess the messiah doesn’t have a plan

Lies spew from his lying lips
As he justifies his BS spent
Darkened thoughts in evil lament
Readings from the liberal scripts

He spreads the lies with no remorse
Hardened heart against the grain
Of Christian love in full disdain
Evil concepts from the source

A world of love and commonality
Is what he strives for us to gain
Kneel before his glorious reign
Or face the liberal criminality

He says he gives us the audacity of hope
Tethered to the liberal gangsters’ gun
You see he is Chicago’s favorite son
Only the liberal fools believe this dope

But on and on he shoves his platitude
Of racial harmony and how love rewards
At the blunt end of the liberal swords
On those who with him dares to feud

The love for him has turned so caustic
As the people find out that he lies
He flips and flops to everyone’s surprise
As it turns out it was all just a trick


You’re like a swollen festering wart
A growth protruding on the human race
I look at you, I see disgrace
A wrath-filled creature, the liberal sort
You take your stand with solace glee
Then run away from what you see

This same wart’s found on your liberal face
Where lies are grown in hatred’s glow
A viral pestilence in a darkened place
From hence your hate is allowed to flow
Your words of hate Americans don’t buy
Real humans can’t buy into such a liberal lie

Your eyes like arsenic try to kill
The down deep truth that’s in you still
Your soul like bamboo wilts and stands
Across hatred’s broken, barren lands
There’s nothing sacred from on high
You haven’t cursed with your lies so sly

No Moral Ground

I often wonder, brother, what happened to your moral ground.
A lie, based on hearsay, and suddenly you think your profound.
A child, yet unborn, to you becomes a pig or just a seeded corn.
Nothing living nor worthwhile, cut it out as an irritating thorn.

How can I not but wonder, at the many lies who’ve daily made.
Do you ever stop to think of the faith you have betrayed?
And tell me, dear brother, how many lies I’ve caught you in?
Do you not know that liberals do nothing but spin, spin spin?

Now you send me another email full of silly ho’s.
No mention of  the issues in this your email prose.
Funny how you laugh a lot when your proven wrong.
Must be those meds you take, they must be really strong!

Please, dear older brother, tell me how you feel.
Is the surge successful or is it just unreal?
What happened the noise you made about a civil war?
You probably never thought of this, but you were wrong before.

Now to the reason for these lines that  I’ve created
If you were wrong about the surge and the civil war
What makes you think you’re not just a liberal whore
Repeating all the lies you read to smear those you hated.

Wearing The Stone

The liar sits on the edge of his bed
Thinking about another lie to be said
A lie about Bush, Cheney or Rice
Any such lie would be very nice

The liar lays down on his bad back
Repeating the hate-filled liberal attack
The facts in the case mean nothing all
Since in the end he can always stonewall

The liar wears a stone of silence so cold
Dangling from his neck as a chain of gold
As the facts filter in to his hate-filled brain
He kicks back and begins to abstain

The liar stands alone on the rail
Overlooking the dark heat of hell
Will he now admit to his own lies
Or simply remain silent as he dies

Where Liberals Dwell

In the place where liberals dwell
Lies light up the sky like the sun
Reflecting their inner most hell
Of hatred which cannot be outdone

From their crumbling state of disgrace
How often I’ve seen one deny
The facts in front of his face
Repeating the same lie after lie

All liberals must lie every day
As their ideas are based on baloney
Cut and sliced in the liberal way
Because it’s cheap and so phoney

They live in a place where hate abides
In their visions of kumbaya scenes
While the hate comes from their insides
And where the end justifies the means

As I grasp how evil these scum are
A really great thought came to mind
Instead of listening to the lies bizarre
Let’s smack 'em with truth ‘til they’re blind

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shattered Dreams

His soul was torn and tattered
His face skewed up in hate
Each hateful dream and scheme shattered
By the truth that bore his fate
He lost the truth that mattered
While his soul was so desolate
His lies were still being scattered
By the minions he did create

A sour old man without a hope
He talked of hateful things to cope
With the truth that showed his sins
In the liberals’ garbage bins
His sleep was filled with nightmares
From his lies of world affairs
His heart was given long ago
To humanities’ greatest foe

Once given truth above it all
His pride bought the liberal lies
The hope he had for the final prize
Dimmed as he faced his final fall
A mind swamped with hate and bile
Became open to the the liberal way
There’s nothing wrong in wrong they say
As long as you’re not hostile

A man who doesn’t really care
About the truth of a liar’s hell
Will end up in the greatest despair
Living where good does not prevail
The hate and lies will become
Fuel feeding a remorseless bum
The hot fires burn for liar’s like him
So his fate looks mighty grim

The Demon

The demon in the liberal quickly gasped and spread the lies
As truth and honor disappeared in vapors in the morning skies
Yet the hate-filled demon could not break the one true noble heart
As he sat in the Oval Office changing the tone, truth to impart

Filled with determination, perseverance, and that which was true
He stood before the hate-filled demon with a smile he knew
Would infuriate the demon and take it beyond the rage of sanity
To the depths of evil malevolence in its lust for power and vanity

If Hitler once said that a lie told loud and long enough
Becomes the truth in the liberals with their brains of fluff
Then so too is truth only for those who are not filled with hate
Seeking not its light but looking for a way to this truth berate

To those of us who battle the demons in the liberal minions
May they continue to be guided by truth, not liars’ opinions
And may all the brave troops defending this truth across the land
Know we do humbly thank them for their selfless stand.
Without their powerful courage or their desire to be free
This country would be in the hands of a Muslim decree

Trivial Matters

You are a selfish kind of hater,
Always lying about those you hate.
Hating America makes you a traitor,
Living in the world you create.

I challenged you on the issues now,
But you ran away not slowly but fast.
You only discussed issues you allow;
So safe, so weak, but it won’t last.

I guess you can’t debate the lies you tell.
How can lies compete with what is true?
This explains why you run and yell
With your hands over your ears as well.

Over seven hundred thirty lies you’ve sent!
Funny how that number swells each passing day.
For each lie you tell, the further your descent.
In the end, you’ll be reminded of your evil way.

A lie has nothing to do with trivial matters.
Your lies both big and small have been recorded.
No remorse guarantees you a soul that shatters
On the burning lake as you are rewarded.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Proverbial Bolt

There’ll never be a proverbial bolt from the blue
That strikes a liberal with the truth he should love.
We seekers of the truth from experience knew
A liberal lives lies, even when push comes to shove

I get the impression in the emails from you
That you’re set in your beliefs, damn what is true
You make me laugh when you refuse to view
Anything that may in your beliefs would screw

You think you are sensible, even that you are smart,
But when you a confronted with truth every day.
You rationalize and tell me from deep in your heart
You do not read truth if it counters your liberal way.

The last eight years have quickly gone by,
You’ve been wrong on all that you said.
Yet here you are, still trying to deny
The lies you have every day spread.

So I say again, no bolt from the blue
Will change liberals like you
You’ll change when you are through
Waiting in the final line for what’s due

The Messiah

Among the large and liberal crowd
With eyes of black and short dark hair
The messiah stood, surpassing proud
As the helpless lemmings he did ensnare

His smoothness could not be denied
So full of eloquent words in form
He pursed his lips of soft ebony hide
And then he smiled, a smile so warm

He felt the pride rise from in his soul
The pride of liberal remorseless sin
His eyes looked over the minions whole
Enraptured by his lies of spin
Beside him, money built up high
Illegal cash from commie friends
His soul was spent on this big try
An impossible task his lies to cleanse
With flowing lies of hate and greed
He moved among the crowds so near
To each he lied and tried to plead
Their votes. their votes so very dear

The time it passed and so so fast
The messiah fell upon his face
His words were proven lies at last
His hate grew stronger in disgrace
Iraq is lost we must get out
But Iraq was won despite his lies
He lied again and rushed about
We must we must help those guys
The messiah is slicker than ole Bill
His lies come out as gilded gold
The whole thing tends toward the surreal
The lies continue uncontrolled

The messiah blesses those who press
His palms with green and filthy lucre
The words of grace are to impress
The lemmings following the hustler

The messiah stated “I’m embarrassed”
About the language Americans speak
Go see him and listen to this linguist
No lemming dared to this fact critique

He worked for three years in his state
No one can state what he did
But ask his lemmings to a debate
They rant and rave, heaven forbid

He stated the war in Iraq was done
Al Qaeda beat us fair and square
We must admit defeat and run
Too bad, forgot the troops so rare

He claims he was a mighty professor
In Chicago, a brilliant mind
Yet he can give no scholarly assessor
To make the claim he’s such a find

The messiah said we all must learn
Spanish to visit with our southern guests
No Spanish word he speaks to earn
The right to speak of our transgress

He wants to be our personal redeemer
Forcing us out of our current plight
He’ll heal the planet as a dreamer
No one will ever want to fight

The messiah says he’ll never lie
A liberal full of love and joy
But if you dare to him deny
He’ll come to you and destroy

So now voter it’s time to decide
A messiah’s come and gone already
Do you really need the lying pride
Of one who is mentally unsteady