Monday, October 22, 2007

Bounced Truth

The truth you wrote has bounced
It was a forgery all the way
You have no truth but you announced
The truth would be the pay

You lied about your truth account
Your bank is full of fraud
You said you had the right amount
And promised no defraud

You are a lib’ral and you lied
A dirtbag and a thief
The truth you simply can’t abide
No pity, no relief

The truth you wrote has bounced again
This time you fooled no one
The words you tell, will all contain
No truth - which shows what you have done

Your checks of truth bounced higher
Each time you sent us one or two
We all know now that you are the liar
Who told us your words were true

So take your checks and place them well
Away from sun or moon
Cause we know you and we will tell
What you can do with this old tune

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