Monday, October 6, 2008

Send Me

Tell me again how great your pen,
Articles sold and read by men.
Tell me again about your greatest ,
or was this just one of your latest?

Send me once again your brilliant prose,
Or are there problems trying to compose?
Show me I’m wrong in what I say,
Or put it off for another day

The trash you write you don’t remember.
What do you call it, The Audacity of Slumber?
Why not admit you can’t write a lick,
Except for liberals who are greedy and sick.

Write some prose without the smell

Of the liberal crap you’re trying to sell.
Convince me you’re not a brainless boob
Growing up as a podunk rube.

Send an email with logic verse
Not simpleton feelings or something worse
Give me sense that you’re educated and smart
with ideas that resound in an American’s heart

Visualize something more than hate.
Don’t send me rumors or things half-baked.
Present me with facts along with your lines,
Or admit you’re an idiot, a liberal with blinds.

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