Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Song of Obama

Obama is my father;
I no longer have to bother.
He giveth me all the tax:
Ripping off those who work to the max. 
He makes us all socialists
By forcing us into his righteousness.
Yea, though I don’t want to I must kiss his feet,
Or be faced with his thugs at my door to meet.
I will fear his evil,
For his is the primevil.
His rod and staff shall beat me
Into submission to give me liberty.
He will prepare for me a cell,
Making for me a living hell,
Unless I give up my freedom to speak
Against his fascism with factual critique.
He anointest himself with foreign oil
To insure we suffer daily on our own soil.
He appeases our enemies with his fluff,
As they kill and maim us with their stuff.
Surely evil and hate will follow us along,
As Obama insures we will never again be strong.

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