Monday, August 30, 2010

The Long Vacation

Another vacation to Martha’s Vineyard

Whilst the rest of us struggle to pay our bills

Here he does not have to play his race card

Or prove once again he has no skills

Another vacation as his polls head south

Got to take a vacation to save some face

Also important to remove foot from mouth

Got to get things together to slow his disgrace

Another vacation, what? eighth one this year

Bush vacations, hey, wasn’t that a subject

The liberals yelled for all of us to hear

But then a liberal vacation is always correct

Another vacation for Michelle, heaven forbid

But didn’t she just come from Spain

Spending millions in beautiful Madrid

Laughing at citizens in our economic pain

Another vacation to prove he is the worst

The evidence is mounting to the sky

As we watch the liberal agenda burst

Proves once again that liberalism is a lie

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