Sunday, September 26, 2010


In the White House, with knowing eyes

The Zero and his fools lay

He was born abroad, in liberal guise

Into the liberal socialist way

He made many a feast and partied fast

Crowned by his minions with powers

That he thought were his at long last

Ahh, an ode to the witching hours

The brooding doubters no awe beheld

This brilliant zero of the world

The doubters swelled and swelled

And on his head all hurled

His minions all bowed before his past

In patience, but without disdain

They let his thugs corruption cast

And kissed the zero’s hand again

So well he spoke, the morning broke

Across the liberal way

A destructive hate again awoke

And filled his goal each day

“Poor land,” cried zero, “so deep accurst

That ruined our lives so fair

From Carter comes the label worst

Go peasants and see if I even care”

He heard the sound of America’s best

With words and truth arrayed

He felt a fear rise inside his breast

But he ignored it and the lies he made

He closed his zipper and made a decree

As he walked to the window round

“Death to anyone who refuses to follow me,”

Said zero, as he rubbed his imperial crown

He fired his czars, he stomped the ground

His henchmen could not please

He tore his hair trying to shut out the sound

Of the flowing tea which he could not appease

With hate-filled eyes and arrogance beyond relief

He attacked the tea and those who dared drink

With bitter strife of a zero in purpose and belief

He launched an ad that proved his agendas stink

In autumn time when leaves blow down

And tears wash across his zero sum face

The pain he’ll feel from hearing the sound

Of citizens drinking tea in every place

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