Saturday, May 7, 2011

Changing Stories

The scent of a liberal farce floats in the breeze

As changing stories comes breaking through

Lies wend and wind in the changing stream with ease

As the truth cools its heels in the changing liberal view

The liberals release versions of the events showing

The One’s decision as a great commander so strong

Where SEALS follow his brilliant plan blowing

Away his critics stand and proving them all wrong

Changing stories wrapped around confusion’s place
Osama was first armed and resisted in the raid

A SEAL in self-defense blew away his ugly face

All is good according to the White House aid

Above, in typical liberalism deep with mystery

The truth of reality still sits silent and hides

To protect the hypocrisy in the liberal story

He wasn’t armed the White House now confides

BS now walks inside the White House abode
Murder is fine but don’t treat a terrorist too harsh

Changing stories seems to be the One’s true mode

Such a great commander, spewing out this farce

Patriotic View

Arrogance beyond repair

Selling the liberal view

Logic up in the air

Never telling what’s true

They plan, he lies

They do, he gloats

Having to improvise

In hypocrisy he promotes

With unrivaled precision

He spins another story

Rationalizing his decision

To cover himself in glory

On prime time TV

Taking the full credit

For his unilateral spree

To his liberal discredit

His spins are amazing

A product of lies

With such BS flowing

Hypocritical disguise

Obama now sits

In red, white, and blue

No one could imagine

Such a patriotic view

Friday, May 6, 2011


Beneath the liberal moon as the lies fly

and spiral upward to rationalize their hate

they praise the One for causing one to die

The liberals hated Bush their usual facade

because the terrorists met their fate

with the Cheney assassination squad

Of course, they all will try to deny

Bush’s part in this killing success

beneath the liberal moon as the lies fly

The liberal reality of truth quickly recedes

as gloats fly high, the liberals now profess

twas the Chosen One alone did the deeds

Burning up as their hypocrisies soar

praying for the polls to turn around

as they think they have won the war

Beneath the liberal moon as the lies fly

dragging hate desperately above the ground

while in Afghanistan al Qaeda refuses to comply

In the make-believe world of liberal space

reality played backward so liberals claim

no matter what truth is placed in their face

Yes, Osama has met his ultimate fate

good cheer is spread throughout with no shame

why, oh why, must they always lie and hate