Friday, May 6, 2011


Beneath the liberal moon as the lies fly

and spiral upward to rationalize their hate

they praise the One for causing one to die

The liberals hated Bush their usual facade

because the terrorists met their fate

with the Cheney assassination squad

Of course, they all will try to deny

Bush’s part in this killing success

beneath the liberal moon as the lies fly

The liberal reality of truth quickly recedes

as gloats fly high, the liberals now profess

twas the Chosen One alone did the deeds

Burning up as their hypocrisies soar

praying for the polls to turn around

as they think they have won the war

Beneath the liberal moon as the lies fly

dragging hate desperately above the ground

while in Afghanistan al Qaeda refuses to comply

In the make-believe world of liberal space

reality played backward so liberals claim

no matter what truth is placed in their face

Yes, Osama has met his ultimate fate

good cheer is spread throughout with no shame

why, oh why, must they always lie and hate

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