Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Breath Of Truth

O when will the breath of truth cause your mind to glow?
There to remain forever beyond the days
Of your childish liberal madness: I really want to know.
Reach now for the truth to set your soul ablaze
With the full redemption of your blighted soul,
To a life that burns in truth and bright extol.
The truth is there so reach beyond your dreams thereof
And capture it, adore it and cherish it with love.
But, alas, I fear your hate-filled heart beckons you along
That road you’ve followed and proven to be so wrong.
You use the sad excuse that fairness is your goal,
But in your lies you abuse the fairness you extol
By smearing all those you so violently oppose.
Even as the lies you tell rapidly decompose,
You live a life of hate, guaranteed not a time to reform
The end results nor the slowing the upcoming storm.

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