Friday, August 15, 2008

Humanity’s Scourge

Like maggots wallowing in their filth, here and there
Liberals spew their venom and hatred in the air
Your words in emails come forth to show
A liberal’s mind is placid, refusing to grow

You shout and rant, jumping up and down
To show you’re right, you offensive clown
As the truth hits your fan of hate
All you do is cry and roller skate

Like rotted stems on poison oak
You spread the lies of this Obama joke
He flips and flops for Olympic gold
And wins outright as truths unfold

Seeking hatred above what is right
You do not lag in liar’s delight
Just like a skunk who’s spewed his smell
You still cling to all the lies you tell

Why not admit that you could be wrong
Instead of yelling your hate so strong
You were wrong about the surge
So why become humanity’s scourge

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