Tuesday, April 28, 2009


As a

liberal prisoner

You have become

Addicted to your own lies

Praising the One

You will

Appease those

who hate us it seems

So a bomb blows

us to smithereens

I Told You So

A flaming liar and nothing about what’s true

With a crimson river of blood on hold

And hate boiling up and soon to ensue

The fervor of the idiots growing bold

The winds will soon sweep down and stir

The souls of the idiots and their lies

Yet might we find the truth in this great blur

Of hate and fear that no one could disguise

‘Tis sad the hate will not dissolve their crimes

Nor bring about the world they seek to make

Yet might they soon see from my many rhymes

That truth is great for those who care to partake

As their souls entwine with their little chimp

And the crimson flows across this once great land

They should trust not the devil that brought the wimp

Who thinks he is the chosen one so grand

When blood red clouds then cover us in craze

I'll to you repeat the I TOLD YOU SO phrase

Friday, April 24, 2009


Staring at the truth each day
Takes a liberal’s voice away
Only when lying does he say
Negative sounds in verbal decay
Each fabrication on public display

Concerned only with his chimp’s defense
Over scandals performed in great offense
Lying about each one in righteous pretense
Delivered in silence as truth grows intense

Silence reigns supreme when proven wrong
Idiot sycophants stringing each other along
Lies perverse from the liberal throng
Each hoping to sing the lying chimp’s song
Never thinking the lies aren’t as strong
Compared to the truth and its destiny
Ending in destruction for their philosophy


A stubby little worthless brain;
A liberal riddled with hate insane.
His eyes rolled back inside his head,
From all the truth that has been said.

The quiet builds around his tongue,
The growing hate just can’t be undone.
He sits upon a righteous throne,
And rips up children bone by bone.

He prays with hate against the very men,
Who saved his ass from terrorist villain.
He points his stubby fingers out,
And cries that there can be no doubt.

His fingers drip the blood from kids,
Slaughtering as he cries God forbids.
He’s a podunker through and through;
No knowledge of what’s really true.

His stubby mind creates his worldly view;
He thinks it, thus it must be true.
No one will harm him if he hugs,
Kissing the feet of the world’s big thugs.

No thug will hear his screams and shouts;
No one will care about his whereabouts;
As the thugs blow up his family place,
And laugh and spit into his face.

Your Groveling Saviour

Groveling savior
caught in a lie
empty suit behavior
makes us all cry

Words with no class
read from a prompter
kissing the ass
of a thug and impostor

Criminal acts
treason and cursed
blend together the facts
of the worst of the worst

Lies from a wimp
bounce off dhimmis
defending the chimp
from truthful decrees

Changing the dream
that once was America
to a socialist theme
like a third world Africa

Slimy Like Worms

The liberal hopes
that change is good
progressive dopes
wishing they could
stand up to real
not to conceal
the truth to reveal.
Slimy like worms
in the red dirt
acting like germs
trying to pervert
American values
to their evil ruse
of their civil views.
Lying, subverting,
vigilant like fools
continually diverting
attention from their rules
against what is right
even in the night
the hate they incite.
Tip dancing to avoid
admitting wrong
when truth deployed
proves they’re belong
with chimp the wimp
a proven imp
acting as their pimp.
Such a brave great leader
who fans the flame
from his tele reader
of hate and shame
trying to confuse
those who refuse
to buy his views.
The liberal hopes
that all will see
the hate-filled dopes
who all agree
the great Chosen one
can’t be outdone
even when he lies
about his tries
to destroy our lives.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Socialist Clown

In all the lines I’ve seen and read
None compares to the trash from you
You write of greatness in what you spread
Telling us all it’s factual, detailed and so true
Yet when confronted with what’s true and real
In stone cold silence the truth you conceal

You run to the left like a socialist clown
As the truth lands on your swollen head
It hits you hard and knocks you down
While in your face the reality you so dread
As this truth piles high and you’re now beat
You cry like a scalded dog in heat

The liberals learn not from their wasted ways
So you continue your spirited chant
Is but a feature that a liberal liar displays
As he bleats out his angry rant
The liberals are wrong and never learn
The truth for which others all yearn

Greatness In This Art

I can’t understand the words you write
What is it that you mean
My greatness tells me it’s just not right
It doesn’t match with what I have seen

My experience in matters such as this
Provides my greatness in this art
You must be a fool to reminisce
And attack the one so smart

I write the truth in all its glory
It’s true because I wrote it
Just look at my latest inventory
Of articles great in depth and wit

And if it happens to be proven wrong
I dance a jig and try to slash
Attacking the one who proved my song
Was lies and full of trash

And if my writing comes unglued
By the reality of the situation
Thus proving I’ve been screwed
I’ll mention Bush and say it’s his creation

More Pirates

More pirates, more pirates
That’s what the chimp has done
Killing three has brought regrets
A thousand more for profit and fun

There are no pirates they shout real loud
A figment of the world’s imagination
Freedom fighters should be allowed
To charge those near their ravaged nation

By murdering children holding guns
The chimp has greatly sinned
Against the poor and harmless ones
Who now appear chagrined

Monday, April 13, 2009

Execution Needed Now

A destructive end is where we'll be,
as we leave behind our humanity.
The dimwit liberals are bound to find
that socialism is best left behind.

With American values in the clear
everyone would be welcome here.
But with the liberals in charge now
self-preservation - you best learn how.

Obama’s minions must now move fast
for in the end they’ll come out last.
Their corruption greed is glorified
in treasonous acts exemplified.

The tragic tale of the messiah’s way
will end in tragedy and decay.
He lies of things he can’t control
and controls the things he stole.

When the destruction from this evil ends
and we all look at our now dead friends,
Will be time to execute all those who
voted for this impostor’s view.

Black Lies

Liberals are like the morbid ghost;
Black lies and deceit they daily host.
How cowardly they fill their space,
Among the men who act as sheep.
As if the world was still asleep,
While their messiah destroys the place.

In secret they all share the selfish greed
For a world composed of a single creed.
Of lustful sin and evil acts,
To fill their banks and soil their hearts.
In hate-filled rants way off the charts,
While for opponents they plan attacks.

How did these whores from Satan’s crew,
Gain power and with this their rule pursue?
The destruction of the American dream;
Of honest values and hard working rights;
And replaced it with their evil sights.
Oh how, oh how did we get this evil regime?

A Danger To Pirates

A midget brain is your lord
He bailed out Chevy but not Ford
His lips sync with the words he reads
From a teleprompter that’s all he needs

The pirates came and got a guy
All Barry could do was shake and cry
The MAN in charge did what he could
He shot those pirates really good

Now Barry’s boys are spinning facts
Twas their Chimp that ordered the acts
But only idiots and podunkers believe
Their Chimp is the one who did achieve

Oh, Barry Chimp makes them all shake
In his brilliance make no mistake
He’ll protect us all from the evil ones
That’s why they’re trying to get our guns

Truth In Piracy

One liberal dhimmi
One too many
Too many lies
Can’t disguise
Hatred on display
The liberal way

Pirates attack
Can’t react
Tries to convince
He didn’t wince
Captain said kill
Special Forces deal

White House claims
He doesn’t play games
Truth be told
He wasn’t very bold
Cried like a chimp
Proving he’s a whimp

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Somewhere Between

Somewhere between space and time
The messiah is living on your dime
Stepping across to this warped place
A sense of despair soon you’ll embrace

Somewhere between you and me
The truth disappears and ceases to be
Embracing the messiah out of hate and fear
You pray your liberals can persevere

Somewhere between this email and yours
A word of wisdom passes then blurs
Embraced by hate and ignorance
Stone cold silence brings deliverance

Somewhere between vomit and puke
Your brain transcends a normal rebuke
Strapped to a bomb called a lemming fool
A weakened soul from the liberal school

Somewhere between time and space
The truth jumps up and strikes your face
Endeavoring to defeat that which is true
You follow blindly what he tells you to do

A World Throne

Gone from the land is common value
Ruled now by the spring wind
Twisted loud, seeking not what’s true
Unable the reasons to defend

The stench of corruption lingers still
As the messiah’s thugs slither in the night
Awaking the bacteria that makes us all ill
Claiming the assets of those shivering in fright

As The One sets out to claim his world throne
Eagerly he’ll solve all the world’s wrongs
Or so he dreams in hopes to atone
For the evil we did by spreading our songs

The Enabler Of The Blight

Beneath the economic crash an idea beckoned
Obama is the cause and enabler of the blight
Within a stench of flowing fright
Moving toward the end each and every second

Flashed by his socialist thoughts that reckoned
An ability to lie at will and without a second sight
Lost forever the will to resist in the creeping night
The soul is consumed even as the heart is quickened

Hate and corruption will to the liberal persevere
And the messiah’s message to them will endear
As we look with fatal senses at our recent past
And the good we have done throughout those years
Now engulfed in sorrow and our faces with flowing tears
Filled with fear, we look upon a future sorely dashed

The American Sheep

A liberal sat upon a hill,
Proud to have voted for a dream;
Spoke words of hate, an awful sound,
Upon that knoll, a loud dumb shill;
As in a trance, the socialist scheme,
Moved forward quickly so profound.

While in the world his messiah seen;
As hope and change that’s just begun;
By those who hate the righteous man;
Would all love this man between;
His acts of dumb and reality outdone,
Weep not for these bums of hate again.

Then liberal saw, and liberal heard,
The message sent high up in the air;
By their beloved One with truth suspended;
Against the upcoming events absurd,
To destroy the people residing there,
Where liberals deny we are offended.

The great messiah saw and rightly knew
The American sheep were easy prey,
For he did use his words that quickly flow;
So easily from his mouth not true,
For in his own criminal liberal way,
He thought he could socialism grow. 

Like cold stone rocks the people seemed
And stirred not from their easy place;
While liberals played the game so fast,
Bright weary eyes, as they dreamed
Of hope and change in this man’s face.
Their comfort grew, the minutes passed.

The nation came to the trough to drink;
The comfort brew for everyone
From liberal thought the shadows came,
And past the time for them to think,
As their comfort would soon be undone.
The messiah was the one to blame.

For liberals will play as liberals do,
Against those who share not their dream;
Forced on a land now full of sheep;
And do not think what might ensue.
When evil comes with a socialist theme
To Americans who live in comfort sleep.

Just On a Whim

His name was Bill. Her name was Jane.
Both were liberals, exactly the same.
They worked each day in jobs so great;
Greedy were theirs, a liberal trait.

Jane became pregnant, heavy with child.
Bill was not happy and she was not wild.
So they sliced and diced the baby out;
Convenience motivated, no doubt.

George and Kay lived down the street.
They were liberals, so lovely and sweet.
They, too, had jobs they both adored;
Working hard for things to afford.

Kay became pregnant, heavy with child.
George was ecstatic and Kay went wild.
They built a new bedroom all painted light blue.
Their new daughter’s name would be Esther Sue.

So here you have it you scum sucking dhim,
A baby’s humanity does not depend on a whim.
The baby’s a real person just like you or me.
Well, maybe like me, questioning your humanity.