Thursday, April 2, 2009

The American Sheep

A liberal sat upon a hill,
Proud to have voted for a dream;
Spoke words of hate, an awful sound,
Upon that knoll, a loud dumb shill;
As in a trance, the socialist scheme,
Moved forward quickly so profound.

While in the world his messiah seen;
As hope and change that’s just begun;
By those who hate the righteous man;
Would all love this man between;
His acts of dumb and reality outdone,
Weep not for these bums of hate again.

Then liberal saw, and liberal heard,
The message sent high up in the air;
By their beloved One with truth suspended;
Against the upcoming events absurd,
To destroy the people residing there,
Where liberals deny we are offended.

The great messiah saw and rightly knew
The American sheep were easy prey,
For he did use his words that quickly flow;
So easily from his mouth not true,
For in his own criminal liberal way,
He thought he could socialism grow. 

Like cold stone rocks the people seemed
And stirred not from their easy place;
While liberals played the game so fast,
Bright weary eyes, as they dreamed
Of hope and change in this man’s face.
Their comfort grew, the minutes passed.

The nation came to the trough to drink;
The comfort brew for everyone
From liberal thought the shadows came,
And past the time for them to think,
As their comfort would soon be undone.
The messiah was the one to blame.

For liberals will play as liberals do,
Against those who share not their dream;
Forced on a land now full of sheep;
And do not think what might ensue.
When evil comes with a socialist theme
To Americans who live in comfort sleep.

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