Tuesday, March 1, 2011



‘Twill be pain that wakes him from his slumber

Prodding done by the truth for reality’s sake

Lost in the lying fog so liberally encumbered

His evil heart will soon feel the ache

‘Twill be the tea that covers his liberal carcass

With the cruel flames of fire from truthful lips

Never before has there been a lashing so grievous

As millions of truth arrows strike with golden tips

‘Twill be in the shadows he’ll lurk with his mourners
Huge haunting fears that are out of control

Forcing him back into his evil cowardly corner

Where first he felt the hatred in his liberal soul

‘Twill be in the midst of his deepest darkest hours
Lashing out with hate from his heart so black

He’ll fall, broken and whimpering, disempowered

As he watches the truth fill every crack

‘Twill be the light and laughter of delight
Not the change embraced that he couldn’t sing

‘Twill be the Chosen One’s most important right

The right to be kicked out as lord and king

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