Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hate So Blind

Your burning hate that morning brings,
Reminds me of your lies each day.
I really don’t know just what to say;
A brother who plays such hate-filled strings.

As Wall Street crashes to the ground,
Your rants and raves of hate so blind,
Fills your soul and poisons your mind,
And thus you look and act the clown.

Your sorrowful whines about your king,
Engulfs your brain and controls your soul.
Is it that you’re jealous of the Obama dole
Where lazy, worthless liberals sing?

The crumbling structure of the One so great
Bears witness to his clueless state.
And here you sit in desperate hate,
As truth flows in you refuse to debate.

As the economy spirals down and out,
Idiots like you still continue to attack.
With hooks stuck deep inside your back
You’re nothing more than an slimy tout.

Your love and worship of the one,
Reminds us of ole Schicklgruber.
Praising such a wasteful robber,
Makes you share the coming fun.

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