Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Love Little Dhimmis

I love little dhimmis who tell us lies
and try to hide their Messiah’s faults;
Trying to control the thoughts
Of those who strive for truth with no disguise.

These little dhimmis go silent when hit
By truth in their face and in their soul;
Revealing hearts of darkness and cold.
Their Messiah’s huge mess they won’t admit.

Isn’t it funny to see them dance
The AIG shuffle and the bonus bill.
It’s really great to be part of the deal;
Paid a million or more for liberal romance.

Their Messiah’s powers are beyond reproach;
The Final Four his directives sent.
It won’t be long ‘til he’s full of lament,
As his team goes down from a lousy coach.

But watch the dhimmis as they try to spin,
And maybe Congress can pass a bill
Behind closed doors with the deal,
To give his team the rightful win.

Their Messiah’s an idiot the worst we’ve had.
He makes George Bush look like another Einstein.
He’s brought the economy in full decline,
While he pays off his cronies, aren’t we glad.

He talks a game but it’s really empty.
His cronies pass bills to help their friends
Buy new houses and a brand new Benz,
While he works at night against liberty.

I love little dhimmis who tell us lies.
They’re funny to watch as they chase their tails;
Spreading their nonsense without details.
Their Messiah’s a loser, ain’t no big surprise.

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