Monday, March 9, 2009


A stupid liberal I met today,
While walking slowly on my way.
He stopped and stared me in the eye,
Then bowed his head and started to cry.
His garbled noises made me think,
The man is sick from some hoodwink.

He cried out loud for all to hear
“I voted for Obama this past year
And now I see he lied to me.
He has no interest in keeping us free;
He just wants to steal our cash;
And turn our country into trash.”

I thought a while on what he said,
As he stood up and turned his head.
My use of stupid was unfair
To describe this man in such despair.
A liberal is a stupid scum,
But a remorseful one is not so dumb.

A challenge is sent to all of you,
Who thought the messiah’s words were true,
Get ready for some dark, dark times,
To pay for your and Obama’s crimes.
He is a liar and a thief,
Preying upon your fiscal grief.

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