Monday, March 9, 2009

Holding One’s Breathe

Of the lies you’ve sent this way, all have come loose and slack
So I wonder why you carry so much ignorance on your back
You voted for your Messiah and it is you he has betrayed
He ain’t no messiah for he destroys what we have made

If you doubt what I am writing just go check the stocks again
Every time he reads his tele the stocks take a downward spin
He lied about the earmarks when he said he would not budge
How does 9000 earmarks sound I’ll let you be the judge

It’s obvious you aren’t happy since you can’t defend your chimp
That makes you such a coward, a weak and feeble whimp
It’s time for you to man-up and admit that you were wrong
But since you are a liberal, I can’t hold my breathe that long

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