Monday, May 18, 2009

A Microbian Cell

He steeps himself in lies and deceit

A liberal word he’ll always greet

But let the truth fly in his face

He’ll run and hide in his dark place

The truth to him is sent every day

It can’t be true, it’s not the liberal way

He’ll cry each day the truth comes in

Peeing in his pants like a podunk bumpkin

A coward he is and always will be

Believing in chains and not liberty

He fears the truth above all things

Living with the hate that his kind brings

The challenge is on for him to come clean

Man-up a bit and let the truth be seen

His liberal way is a slippery slide

Why else would he fear the other side

Reading the truth won’t make him blind

Unless he’s an idiot - ignorance intwined

He fears the truth - shaking in his boots

It goes really deep in his socialist roots

He knows he’s wrong but it matters not

The way to his greed is what is sought

Run, liberal, run away from all that is true

Trash it and hope you won’t get what’s due

A liberal’s a coward, a weak and worthless twit

He drinks pee for breakfast and for dinner eats shxt

His brain is the size of a microbian cell

Let’s just deport him and say farewell

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