Monday, May 18, 2009


I saw a liberal yesterday
that I hardly recognized.
He walked and talked a certain way
and there was something about his eyes.
Red and wet the eyes, you see,
Were crying over the spending spree.

I saw that liberal again today.
I saw his face and heard his lies.
It made me sick so I walked away.
The ignorant souls who rationalize,
The stupid overwhelming arrogance
Of the chimp and his idiotic rants.

Twas but a fool at whom I gazed;
A battered brain with sickening hate.
His eyes lit up as if amazed
When truth sent him to his fate.
He thought he was the purest one
Since this world had first begun.

He wanted so badly to believe
The Chosen One’s promises of change.
The chimp’s intention was to deceive,
And gain the power in soul exchange.
The lies embraced by soul and heart,
As truth thus denied soon does depart.

Stand back you liberal and watch who dies,
And roasts like cutlets on a heated grill.
The end does indeed justifies your cries
Of pain and suffering you deserve to feel.
The rest of us will suffer on because of you
And your stupid, ignorant liberal view.

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