Monday, May 18, 2009

The Truth Will Set You Free

I heard you liberals shout out loud,

You have a right to slam and bash;

Even if in an opponent crowd.

It’s in that constitution you call trash.

You liberals have read the rules, of course,

But forget them quickly when others show

You all lie according to the actual source,

As a big temper tantrum you will throw.

With all the guts of a chimp in heat,

You question intent which is a bit askew.

For those who prove you are a cheat,

Ranting and raving against what’s true.

You attack with lies, cheap shots and evil deeds,

As you cry and ask for your compensation money;

Then cry again as it turns out its you that bleeds.

Ain’t life a bitch and really super funny?

Of course, the rules to you do not apply.

You are the elite the chimp’s own slave.

But consumed with anger your anguish cry,

Sends out the lies that you and him do crave.

Your self-righteous talk of truth as spam,

Proves to the world that your sense of ire.

Is exceeded by the very spam you try to slam.

And yet you think your writing does inspire.

Reread the crap you call your writing.

Who are you to judge such rot?

Its content is both sick and hate inciting,

Proving once again the crap you’ve bought.

You read only the slop that the leftwing serves,

Hoping ignorance and stupidity will prevail.

Trash the truth, they tell you, that is what it deserves.

Read things called liberal, for your brain is much to frail.

Read not, earn nought, that’s how you live your life.

Write about all those evil beings who dare question

Your great messiah who keeps you from the strife

Of rationalizing truth you refuse to have in your possession.

So unless you are a total idiot, think! You really should try.

Your messiah tells you what to read and what to see,

And you don’t even wonder or think about the reason why.

Guess what, Dhimmi, it’s because the truth will set you free.

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